Criminal Justice
Valencia College Criminal Justice is one of the most recognized and respected criminal justice training centers in the state of Florida. The Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission certifies us to deliver all Commission-approved curricula to law enforcement, correctional and correctional probation officers in Florida. With primary responsibility for the criminal justice agencies in Orange County, the Criminal Justice is a regional training center that serves over 45 organizations, including state law enforcement agencies, Department of Corrections, Department of Juvenile Justice and numerous county, municipal, regional and international agencies.
Our courses are developed in coordination with, and taught by, experts in the field who come from a variety of criminal justice agencies.
Eligible current or former law enforcement and corrections officers can apply Advanced and Specialized Training hours toward a degree from Valencia College.
Academy Programs
Our state-certified academies fulfill the training requirements to become sworn corrections or law enforcement officers in Florida. Academy graduates can also earn credits toward a two-year A.S. degree at Valencia College.
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Correctional Officer
- Crossover: Corrections to Law Enforcement
- Equivalency of Training
A.S. Degree Academy Track
The Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Academy Track is an A.S. Degree program designed to provide students with the education, training, skills and abilities for a successful law enforcement career over a two-year timeframe.
Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive:
Candid Career offers resources to support your career exploration and job search efforts. See below for sample videos. To explore further, access their full video library
The two-year Criminal Justice A.S. degree program offers a broad background in the history, philosophy, organization, management and operation of the criminal justice system. It is a path to employment, a bachelor's degree and career enhancement. As part of Valencia's “Two for All” initiative, state-certified professionals may be able to receive credits toward the A.S. degree for professional experience.
Related Certificates:
- Homeland Security Specialist
- Criminal Justice Technology Specialist
- Homeland Security Law Enforcement Specialist
Many certificates can be completed in less than a year and credits earned apply toward
the A.S. degree in Criminal Justice.
Criminal Justice Experiential Learning Program
The A.S. Criminal Justice Experiential Learning program provides a pathway for active duty law enforcement and correctional officers
in Florida to earn an accelerated associate in science degree through the award of
articulated credits for work-based learning and industry certifications. It is designed
for students currently working in corrections or law enforcement who seek professional
growth and/or advancement within their organizations, or employment in another field
of criminal justice. Get credits for on-the-job work and completion of the state law
enforcement academy for up to 33 credit hours.
Pathways to Advanced Degrees
Bachelor's Opportunities
The Bachelor of Applied Science in Public Safety Administration (BASPSA) at Valencia College is designed to develop essential skills and knowledge to manage
and lead public safety organizations. This program focuses on discipline-specific
workforce skills related to public safety personnel, policy and law, communications,
and emergency planning. This program provides students with essential management skills
and real-world knowledge needed for leadership in public safety organizations at the
local, state, or federal government levels as well as the private sector.
Graduates from select associate degrees have an academic pathway for admissions into
the University of Central Florida through DirectConnect to UCF® (consistent with university policy). Students who wish to transfer to a university
should contact their school of choice about transfer requirements and meet with a
Valencia College advisor for assistance with education planning.
Advanced Specialized Training
Advanced Specialized Training Courses are open to sworn Florida law enforcement, corrections or probation officers. Officers from agencies located in Orange County have priority enrollment over officers from other counties or state agencies. Only agency training coordinators can register officers for Advanced Specialized Training courses. Contact your agency training coordinator if you are interested in enrolling in a course or program.
Credits for Advanced Training and Experience Equivalency List
Continuing Education
Courses and Training
Valencia’s Continuing Education division offers professional training, seminars and workshops dedicated to the public safety community. We provide opportunities for sworn law enforcement and corrections officers as well as civilian criminal justice professionals.
Public Safety Leadership Development Certification Program
This four-week program focuses on developing public safety professionals into innovative leaders. It is offered in partnership between Valencia College Continuing Education, Valencia's Criminal Justice and Fire Rescue, and the University of Central Florida's Criminal Justice Program.