
The academic study of religion seeks to facilitate understanding of various aspects of religious traditions across the world, including their histories, doctrines, practices, literature, codes of conduct and material culture. Our World Religions course (REL 2300) covers Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese Religions, Shinto, Indigenous religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, among others.

Religious traditions can be thought of as a lens through which people understand themselves and their place in the world. Through a comparative approach, students are able to identify factors that unite us across cultures as they consider the role of religion in the human condition.  Accordingly, students of religion will develop greater sensitivity to diversity, an invaluable skill in today's multicultural society and the global economy. 

REL 2300 is a college writing course.  Students will be able to refine their written communication skills through a variety of assignments. Students who produce exceptional work will be encouraged to apply to participate in our Religion Symposiums Students will also have the opportunity to visit religious sites in the Central Florida area and engage in dialogue with clergy members. Please keep an eye on this website for information regarding upcoming events.  

Here are some links to articles on the benefits of religious literacy in the 21st century:

REL 2300 class at Lakshmi Narayan Mandir