Computer Labs
Hours and Locations
We offer online assistance to the students in Engineering, Technology, and Advanced Manufacturing. Virtual labs are conducted through Microsoft Teams. Please find three lab options below.
Microsoft Teams Virtual Lab
The CPA/IT Lab will have lab assistants tutoring for the following programs:
Computer Programming and The Analysis (CPA)
Computer Information Technology (IT)
Microsoft Teams Virtual Lab
The ETAM Lab will have lab assistants tutoring for the following programs:
Bachelors Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (BECET)
Computer Aided Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD)
Construction and Civil Engineering Technology (C&CET)
Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (ECET)
Microsoft Teams Virtual Lab
The Cybersecurity and Network Engineering Technology lab will have lab assistants available at our NET_OpenLab Teams available through the Microsoft Teams application.
Computer Programming and Information Technology Lab
- Building 7, Room 120C
- 407-582-1587
- Monday: 9am to 2pm
Tuesday: 9am to 5:30pm
Cybersecurity and Network Engineering Technology Lab
- Microsoft Teams Virtual Lab
- Monday to Thursday: 12:30pm to 5:15pm
Friday to Saturday: 4pm to 7pm -
CAD, Construction, Electronics, and Engineering Lab
- Building 9, Room 211
- 407-582-1906
- Monday to Thursday: 9am to 9pm
Friday: 11am to 4pm
- Bldg 5, Rm 155
- 407-582-5454
- Monday to Thursday: 9am to 7pm
Friday 9am to 3pm
Saturday to Sunday: Online Only -
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