
Mentor Commitments and Expectations

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  • Maximum of two (2) mentees
  • Bi-weekly meetings with mentee to include Prescribed and Natural conversation (mandatory)
  • Monthly group meetings (optional)
  • Make yourself easily accessible to your mentee
  • Keep shared information confidential unless it is illegal or threatening to the student or others
  • Respect differences with your mentee and others, and demand the same of him
  • Assist your mentee in achieving goals that are meaningful to him and contribute to his learning and career plans
  • Be an example for your mentee by demonstrating appropriate dress and behavior
  • DO NOT give any form of medication (prescription or over the counter) to mentee
  • DO NOT transport any student in your personal vehicle

Communicate, Prepare and Recover (CPR)

CPR Goal

CPR is a way of supporting students through any past obstacles they might otherwise find insurmountable. This system was developed by Brother 2 Brothers not only to help ensure students' success, but also to help them feel valued. Traditional terms like "probation" can have very different meanings to individuals based on their unique experiences, so we've sought to frame similar ideas in a more positive light. By performing CPR, we seek to revive students in their time of greatest need and lead them to the support, structure and resources that will help get them back on track.


CPR is an emergency response in which students' attitudes and aspirations are rehabilitated through the implementation of a structured support system. This encourages success in all aspects of their lives and academic careers. In our usage, CPR stands for Communicate, Prepare and Recover.

  • Communicate: Mentors will be aware of students' progress and will be able to offer immediate intervention if their GPA falls below a 2.5. Mentors will not only offer students the tools and resources they need to get back on track academically, but they will engage the students in a conversation to determine the cause of their diminished performance.
  • Prepare: Along with the mentoring conversation, students will be required to attend tutoring based on their academic needs twice weekly and have each visit signed off on by a Valencia employee in the academic resource area where they were assisted. This will help prevent the same issue from occurring again.
  • Recover: Once students have rehabilitated their academic performance, we will celebrate their diligent work as well as help them identify strategies to be more successful in the future.

Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries

Boundaries are important in every relationship, and especially so in a mentoring relationship where your mentee will depend on you to model the behaviors he needs to adopt. By establishing consistent boundaries early in your conversations with your mentee and applying them consistently throughout your interactions, you provide him with a head start on achieving the personal growth he seeks, as well as protecting yourself from unforeseen outcomes and challenging your expectations.

Brother 2 Brothers mentoring

Mentee Card

Mentees will be given cards to share with their professors on the first day of class. These cards will inform teachers of the Brother 2 Brothers program and the commitments our mentees will make as a condition of their participation, in order to help hold them accountable for their behavior and their performance.

Mentor/Mentee Relationships

Finding common ground with your mentee and establishing trust in both directions.

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Stage 1

When you are first matched with your mentee, there will naturally be a feeling-out period wherein you each learn to effectively communicate with the other. As first impressions are made and the positive aspects of the relationship are reinforced through preliminary conversations, a bonding process will begin. Finding common ground with your mentee and establishing trust in both directions will benefit the prescribed mentoring process that will begin in earnest in Stage 2.

Stage 2

As you begin the prescribed mentoring process through scheduled sessions and collaboration with the entire Brother 2 Brothers family, you and your mentee will begin to challenge and test each other with the goal of allowing the mentee to consider his actions and attitudes more deeply. This may involve rethinking his first impressions of you, and vice versa, and in so doing may awaken difficult emotions. This should be embraced as a transformative process for both of you and leveraged as a step toward becoming more complete individuals.

Stage 3

As you and your mentee achieve a comfort with the prescribed mentoring process, you will begin to transition into a phase of natural, or "real" mentoring. Your relationship will move to a more equal footing from the more prescriptive dynamic you had established previously, and a bond between you will develop as trust flourishes.

Stage 4

As your mentee prepares to graduate or transfer, your role as a mentor will be to help prepare him for the end of your mentoring relationship, as well as the challenges of the next phase of his life. This may lead to a deeper relationship between you, as the two of you will interact as peers regarding the mentee's future.