Valencia College is dedicated to helping students define and meet their life, career and education goals. LifeMap is Valencia’s name for the system of services, programs and interventions designed to help students achieve these goals.
LifeMap is based on Valencia’s Developmental Advising model, which is a learning-centered approach that fosters an advising alliance among students, faculty and other college professionals. This alliance develops through mutual trust, shared responsibilities, and a commitment to helping students identify, clarify, and realize their life, career, and education goals. Developmental Advising integrates Valencia’s core competencies (Think, Value, Communicate and Act) in an ongoing growth process which assists students in making realistic choices based on self-awareness of abilities, interests and values. The results for students are: social and academic integration; life, career and education plans; and acquisition of study and life skills.
LifeMap Stages
What is LifeMap?
LifeMap is a student's guide to figuring out "what to do when" in order to complete their career and education goals. LifeMap links all of the components of Valencia (faculty, staff, courses, technology, programs, services) into a personal itinerary to help students succeed in their college experience.
Guide to My LifeMaps
- LifeMap tools for planning your education and career are within Atlas on the My LifeMap tab.
- LifeMap stage links at the top of the screen provide more detail on how to progress through Valencia programs and services.
- LifeMap resource links on the right bar provide additional Valencia resources.
LifeMap Stages

College Transition
Students involved in college transition are making decisions about educational directions following high school or as a career change. Understanding the educational options available and other issues in planning for college attendance is important. A variety of Valencia programs are designed to assist this decision making process.

Introduction to College
Students enrolled in their first 15 credit hours of college course work are making important transitions and connections that will impact success at Valencia. Valencia assists students in the beginning of their college career to make the connections and directions needed to plan a successful college experience.

Progression to Degree
Students enrolled while completing their 16 to 44 credit hours of college course work are implementing career and educational plans and confirming decisions about their goals. Students benefit from exploring, adjusting or confirming their career and educational goals and connecting with Valencia resources and educational experiences to enhance their educational experience.

Graduation Transition
Students enrolled while completing 45 credit hours and beyond are completing their degrees and making plans for transfer to complete a bachelor's degree or preparing to enter the workforce. Students preparing for this transition can connect with Valencia resources to assist in this process.

Lifelong Learning
After students transition into the workforce, they will discover the need for continued learning, retooling of skills/knowledge and the need to create new skills. Students will be able to re-create the cycle of setting goals, evaluating options, identifying additional educational needs, and acting to meet those educational needs at Valencia.