CARE, which stands for Continuous Assessment and Responsive Engagement, is a faculty-led initiative aimed at establishing a systematic process for identifying and supporting struggling students. In other words, CARE represents an Early Alert System at Valencia.
Through the LifeMap Early Alert and Intervention (LFMP 3348), participants will learn about Valencia’s early alert approach focused on student and faculty interactions, explore resources available to support their students’ needs, and learn how to establish a climate of belonging and inclusion for students in both the phsyical and virtual classroom environment. Faculty will also have the opportunity to develop customized early alert strategies for their courses.

2024/2025 Schedule
- Fall 2024 (10 PD Hours)
- Session 1
Location - Online
Date - TBD - Session 2
Location - Online
Date - TBD - Participants will:
- articulate the components of early alert and intervention strategies.
- connect appropriate available resources to students exhibiting academic and non-academic at-risk behaviors.
- integrate the elements necessary to implement an early alert and intervention plan.
CARE+ Peer Coaching Program
CARE+ is an East Campus program designed to provide students with holistic support through peer coaching. Known as CARE Coaches, our team is comprised of successful Valencia students (current or former) who can help you navigate the challenges that come with being a college student, while providing academic support for courses in math, English, science, and New Student Experience.
Here are some of the ways our CARE Coaches have been helping their peers:
- Understanding course content and faculty expectations
- Improving study skills
- Time management and productivity
- Goal-setting and identifying resources to achieve goals.
- Connections to resources on campus and in the community.
- Developing a growth mindset for success.
- And more…
"In the very beginning of the semester, with Biology, I had a difficult time with the material. The very first exam I failed it. From that point on I went to every study group and anything "study" related to Biology that our CARE Coach had. I never failed an exam again after that. At the end of the semester, because of the amount of information that helped me with this class from our CARE Coach, I ended up not having to go to group study hardly anymore. I also had a difficult time learning how to study for Biology. Our CARE Coach helped me understand Biology in a way that improved my studying strategies." - Biology Student
"The care program has had a significant impact on my academic success through encouragement
and providing resources I was unaware of. The environment provided with care is safe
and reassuring. It is motivating to work with students who have gone through the class
and understand often where it is the students struggle." - Math Student
"I really loved having a CARE coach because I felt part of valencia more than before" - English Composition Student
"Knowing I had someone who would go out of their way to answer any academic questions
I had was great. We were able to speak in person and during that time I explained
my goals and what I would do to achieve them and he was very helpful and provided
me with multiple resources that are available to students that can help me be successful
in school." - NSE Student
Interested in taking a course with a CARE Coach or have questions? Email us at

Start Right, one of Valencia's Six Big Ideas, is based on the idea that success in the initial attempt of a student's first five courses is key to establishing their academic momentum. Knowing the importance of early success, our team of NSE coaches provide support for students enrolled in an SLS 1122 course. Beginning as early as orientation, students can take advantage of individual coaching sessions, along with workshops focused on building the competencies and a mindset to be successful in college and beyond.
If you are a Valencia student enrolled in SLS 1122 and looking for a fellow peer to help guide you on your academic journey, look no further than our team of NSE CARE Coaches who are NASPA Certified Peer Educators and receive ongoing training to assist students in many ways, including:
- Assistance with SLS 1122 course content
- Getting involved on campus
- Strengthening study skills
- Building motivation and self-confidence
- Time management
- Goal-setting
- and more!
Interested in taking the next step? Check out our schedule below.
NSE CARE Coach Services and Hours
All CARE Coaching sessions are offered on-demand (no appointment needed). Information about our team and hours of availability will be posted for the current term as soon as the infrmation is available.
Winter Park Campus - Are you attending Winter Park campus and interested in working with a CARE Coach? Email Laura Worrell at for more information. You can also submit an online request to meet with a Winter Park CARE Coach. General questions can also be sent to

Interested in having a CARE Coach present in class (or online) for your students? Please email Leah Basaria ( with the following information and we'll work to coordinate your presentation:
- Professor's Name
- Date(s) & time(s) requested
- In-person or virtual
- Workshop Topic(s) of Choice:
- Relationship between coping, mindset, and flow
- Successful Scholarships: Get That Money!
- Volunteer to Entrepreneur: Take a Chance on Yourself