Valencia College Course Offerings
Valencia College course offerings and descriptions are grouped under the applicable department heading. Within the alphabetized department headings, courses are listed alphabetically by subject prefix.
A prerequisite is a course which must be completed satisfactorily before a higher-level related course can be taken. A corequisite is a course which must be taken at the same time as another course. Prerequisites and corequisites are denoted within each course description. At the time of registration in a course, all students, except transient students with official documentation, are subject to the current course corequisites and prerequisites, some of which require minimum entry test scores.
Not all courses are offered in all terms or at all campuses.
For current offerings, consult the listing of credit courses available prior to registration each term via the Credit Class Schedule Search.
Courses Offered
Below is a list of course offerings by subject code.
Subject Code | Department |
ACG | Accounting |
ACG | BAS Bus Organizational Leaders |
AFA | Social Science |
AMH | History |
AML | English |
ANT | Anthropology |
AOM | Horticulture Technology |
APA | Accounting |
ARC | Architecture |
ARE | Education |
ARH | Art |
ART | Art |
ASL | Sign Language |
AST | Astronomy |
BCN | Construction & Civil Eng Tech |
BCT | Construction & Civil Eng Tech |
BOT | Biology |
BSC | Biology |
BUL | Business Admin & Management |
CAI | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
CAP | BAS Computing Tech Software Dv |
CCJ | Criminal Justice Technology |
CEN | BAS Computing Tech Software Dv |
CEN | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
CET | Elec & Comp Engineering Tech |
CET | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
CET | Network Engineering Technology |
CGS | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
CHM | Chemistry |
CIS | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
CJC | Criminal Justice Technology |
CJE | Criminal Justice Technology |
CJJ | Criminal Justice Technology |
CJL | Criminal Justice Technology |
CLP | Psychology |
CNT | Network Engineering Technology |
COM | English |
COP | BAS Computing Tech Software Dv |
COP | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
COP | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
COT | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
CRW | English |
CTS | CIT, Cmp Prg & Anly, & DB Tech |
CTS | Network Engineering Technology |
CVT | Cardiovascular Technology |
DAA | Dance |
DEH | Dental Hygiene |
DEP | Psychology |
DES | Dental Hygiene |
DIG | Digital Media Technology |
DSC | BAS Public Safety Admin |
DSC | Criminal Justice Technology |
EAP | English for Academic Purposes |
ECO | Economics |
EDF | BS Elementary Education |
EDF | Education |
EDG | BS Elementary Education |
EDG | Education |
EDP | Psychology |
EEC | Education |
EET | Elec & Comp Engineering Tech |
EET | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
EET | Engineering Technology |
EEX | BS Elementary Education |
EEX | Education |
EGN | Elec & Comp Engineering Tech |
EGN | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
EGN | Engineering |
EGS | Engineering |
EME | Education |
EMS | Emergency Medical Services |
ENC | English |
ENG | English |
ENL | English |
ENY | Horticulture Technology |
ESC | Geology |
ETC | Construction & Civil Eng Tech |
ETD | Computer Aided Drafting Design |
ETI | BAS Computing Tech Software Dv |
ETI | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
ETI | Engineering Technology |
ETM | Energy Mgmt and Controls Tech |
ETM | Engineering Technology |
ETP | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
ETS | Elec & Comp Engineering Tech |
ETS | Electrical&Comp Eng Tech |
ETS | Engineering Technology |
EUH | History |
EVR | Biology |
FFP | Fire Science Technology |
FIL | Film |
FIN | BAS Bus Organizational Leaders |
FIN | Finance |
FOS | Hos/Tour,Bak/Pstry,Cul/Rest Mg |
FRE | French |
FSS | Hos/Tour,Bak/Pstry,Cul/Rest Mg |
GEA | Geography |
GEB | BAS Bus Organizational Leaders |
GEB | Business Admin & Management |
GER | German |
GLY | Geology |
GRA | Graphics Technology |
HFT | Hos/Tour,Bak/Pstry,Cul/Rest Mg |
HIM | Health Information Technology |
HIS | History |
HLP | Health, Health & Fitness, & PE |
HOS | Horticulture Technology |
HSA | Health Information Technology |
HSA | Radiography |
HSC | Health Information Technology |
HSC | Health, Health & Fitness, & PE |
HSC | Health-Related |
HSC | Radiography |
HSC | Respiratory Care |
HUM | Humanities |
HUN | Hos/Tour,Bak/Pstry,Cul/Rest Mg |
HUN | Nutrition |
IDH | Interdisciplinary Studies |
INP | Psychology |
INR | Political Science |
INT | Sign Language |
IPM | Horticulture Technology |
JOU | Journalism |
LAT | Latin |
LDR | BAS Bus Organizational Leaders |
LIT | English |
MAC | Mathematics |
MAN | BAS Bus Organizational Leaders |
MAN | Business Admin & Management |
MAP | Mathematics |
MAR | BAS Bus Organizational Leaders |
MAR | Business Admin & Management |
MAT | Mathematics |
MCB | Biology |
MET | Meteorology |
MGF | Mathematics |
MKA | Business Admin & Management |
MMC | Mass Communication |
MNA | Business Admin & Management |
MSL | Military Science |
MTB | Business Admin & Management |
MTB | Computer Aided Drafting Design |
MTB | Elec & Comp Engineering Tech |
MUC | Music |
MUE | Education |
MUL | Music |
MUM | Music |
MUN | Music |
MUO | Music |
MUT | Music |
MVB | Music |
MVK | Music |
MVP | Music |
MVS | Music |
MVV | Music |
MVW | Music |
NUR | BS Nursing |
NUR | Nursing |
OCB | Biology |
OCE | Oceanography |
ORH | Horticulture Technology |
OST | Office and Medical Admin |
PAD | BAS Public Safety Admin |
PAX | Peace Studies |
PEL | Health, Health & Fitness, & PE |
PEM | Health, Health & Fitness, & PE |
PET | Health, Health & Fitness, & PE |
PGY | Photography |
PHC | Health-Related |
PHI | Philosophy |
PHY | Physics |
PLA | Paralegal Studies |
PLP | Horticulture Technology |
PLS | Horticulture Technology |
POR | Portuguese |
POS | Political Science |
PSY | Psychology |
PUR | Journalism |
RED | BS Elementary Education |
RED | Education |
REE | Real Estate |
REE | Residential Property Mngmt |
REL | Religion |
RET | Respiratory Care |
RTE | Radiography |
SBM | Business Admin & Management |
SLS | Career Development |
SLS | Student Life Skills |
SON | Sonography |
SOP | Psychology |
SPC | Speech |
SPN | Spanish |
STA | Mathematics |
SUR | Construction & Civil Eng Tech |
SWS | Horticulture Technology |
SYG | Sociology |
TAR | Construction & Civil Eng Tech |
TAX | Accounting |
THE | Theater and Entertainment |
TPA | Theater and Entertainment |
TPP | Theater and Entertainment |
VEC | Horticulture Technology |
WOH | History |
A course may have the designation of “multiple credit course” in the course description. This means that the course can be repeated for credit; a repeat will not count as an attempt for full cost of instruction or for withdrawal; and grade forgiveness cannot be applied.
When a course is added to Valencia’s curriculum, it must be assigned a course number by the Statewide Course Numbering System. Until the course number is assigned, Valencia uses a temporary designator composed of an “N” followed by three digits; e.g., N004.
At times, the course number for a particular course has to be changed. When this occurs and the content of the course is determined to be the same, the two course numbers represent equivalent courses. In the course descriptions that follow, numbers for former equivalent courses are provided for the majority of courses for which there is a former equivalent.