Degree in Dance
Associate in Arts in Dance Performance
Degree Overview
This pre-major is designed for the student who plans to transfer to a Florida public university as a junior to complete a four-year Bachelor’s degree in Dance. If this pre-major transfers to a limited-access program, you are responsible for completing the specific requirements of the institution to which you will transfer as completion of this pre-major does not guarantee admission to an upper division limited-access program. For specific transfer information, meet with a Valencia College advisor or Academic Dean to review your transfer plans, and check the transfer institution catalog for specific degree requirements. Students are strongly encouraged to take electives that relate to their intended baccalaureate degree program.
List of classes required for the Associate in Arts Dance Performance Degree Pathway.
Start Right
Degree-seeking students enrolling at Valencia College for the first time will have a limited range of courses from which to choose for their first 18 college-level credits. Within the first 18 college credit hours, you will be required to take SLS 1122 (3 credits), ENC1101 (3 credits), and a mathematics course appropriate to your selected meta-major (3 credits). The remaining courses should be chosen from the General Education Core Courses in humanities (3 credits), science (3 credits), or social science (3 credits), and/or the introductory courses within the A.A. Degree Pathways (or articulated pre-majors for those tabs). For specific courses see the Foundation Courses on the “Program Requirements” tab. For course sequencing recommendations, you can create an education plan by logging into Atlas, clicking on the LifeMap tab and clicking My Education Plan.
Financial Aid
In order to be eligible for and calculated in your enrollment status for financial aid, courses for which you are enrolled must count toward your Associate in Arts degree (36 credits of general education and 24 credits of electives). Courses listed in this transfer plan may not be eligible for and calculated in your enrollment status financial aid if you took other course work outside of this transfer plan (examples include prior course work from prerequisites, changing a major, and transfer course work not included in this plan).
Common Prerequisites
These are courses that are required for the noted major at Florida public universities. For more information on common prerequisites, check the statewide advising manual at
Math Pathways
A Math Pathway is the recommended math course sequence that leads to completion of the General Education math requirement that a student would take within his/her Meta-Major. The Meta-Majors are a collection of eight academic clusters that have related courses. The intent of selecting a Meta-Major is to help you choose a major and degree based on your interests, knowledge, skills and abilities. The recommended math pathway for this transfer plan is the Arts/Humanities/Communications/Design path; see the program requirements tab for specific courses. Advisors are available on all campuses to discuss Meta-Majors and to help you review transfer institution catalogs for specific math requirements.
Admission Requirements
- Submit a completed Valencia College application
- Submit a completed Valencia College A.A. Degree Pathway: Dance Performance Audition
AUDITION INFORMATION: Dance Auditions information and schedule.
- Have a successful audition
- Have degree-seeking student status indicated in your official Valencia College record
Further information about the admission process is available at and from the Arts and Entertainment Division on East Campus.
Program expenses can be found in the catalog, under Financial Information and Fees, Estimated Expenses for A.A. Degree Pathway: Dance Performance.

Auditions for the program will consist of a technique class: ballet barre and center,
modern combination and jazz combination. Individual choreography or a solo is not
required. Participants are encouraged to wear black leotards and pink tights for the
women and white shirt and black tights for the men. Please bring all dance shoes.
Stop by and see the dates for 2024-2025

Our annual Valencia College Summer Dance Institute is back! We are pleased to welcome
back our high school dancers and are looking forward to working with everyone this
upcoming summer!
Stop by and see the dates for 2025