Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Last Updated: 01/13/2025 10:00 AM

In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Valencia College will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. The college will reopen and all services will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025.

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Class Schedule Search

The Valencia College Class Schedule Search tool can be used to help you plan registration for upcoming terms. Below you will find tips on how to use this tool and definitions for terms used.


Course enrollment numbers are real-time.

Search Form

Each of these fields will narrow your search. If you leave them blank, all options will be included in your search.

You must first select a term to view classes for by clicking on the drop-down arrow and selecting it.

Select a Term Screenshot

Search Definitions

Filter your search by Term.

Data Definitions
Open/Waitlist Sections Only Check the box to bring back only those sections that have seats available for registration and courses that do not have seats available but offer a waitlist option.
Subject Click inside this field to see a drop-down list of course subjects you may choose from (i.e. BSC, ENC, MAT, etc.). Select a subject to narrow your search results to only bring back courses offered in that subject. For a list of Subjects, visit Course Descriptions.
Subject and Course Number Click inside this field to see a drop-down list of course subjects with their course numbers (i.e. BSC 1010C, ENC 1101, MAT 1033C, etc.). Select a subject and course number to narrow your search results to only bring back that specific subject and course number.
Keyword/CRN/Course Number Click inside this field and type in a keyword (i.e. English), a few keywords (i.e. English Composition), a specific Course Reference Number (CRN) if you have been given one, or course number (i.e. 1101). This search field will enable you to search for any courses that contain the keyword(s) you enter here, to view more details about a course whose specific CRN you have been given, or to search for any courses with the course number you entered.
Campus Click inside this field to see a drop-down list of campuses. Select a campus to bring back search results for just that campus.
Instructional Methods Click inside this field to see a drop-down list of available instructions methods (i.e. Online Course, Mixed Mode, etc.). Select an Instructional Method to bring back search results for just that instructional method.
Instructional Methods Definitions:
  • Face-to-Face - Course with face-to-face instruction which may be enhanced with technology
  • Online - All class meetings and coursework occur online using the college-approved course management system.
  • Real Time Virtual - A course that requires students and instructors to meet online, in a virtual space, during designated days and times.
  • Mixed Mode - A course that blends the delivery of instruction between online and face-to-face (some hours are spent in the classroom with the rest being completed online). A minimum of 30% of the instruction of the course is delivered using some form of technology where the student and instructor are separated by time, space, or both.
Course Characteristics Face-to-Face Mixed Mode
On-campus Learning
Instruction occurs on campus.
Online Learning
Instruction occurs online.
Live Interaction
Course meets at specific days and times.
Uses Canvas
Essential course information is provided through Canvas, Valencia College’s learning portal.
Meeting Days Check the box next to any day(s) of the week you wish to narrow your search results by. Do not check any day(s) of the week to search for any days of the week.
Instructor Click inside this field to see a drop-down list of instructors. If you have a particular instructor with whom you wish to take a course, and they are offering a course in the registration term you initially selected, choose that instructor’s name from the list.
Class Type Click inside this field to see a drop-down list of Class Types (i.e. Honors Course). You may narrow your search to bring back only those courses with the Class Type you select.
Class Type Definitions:
  • Honors Course: Honors courses at Valencia College are interdisciplinary, prepare students to become 21st-century learners, and integrate research-driven engaged practices. In order to be able to register in an Honors course, students must apply and be accepted into the Seneff Honors College.
  • Internationalizing Curriculum: Valencia offers courses, programs, and activities to international and U.S. students that respond to the needs of a global economy and a diverse community in order to enrich each campus culture and enhance learning opportunities with different perspectives and life experiences.
  • Service Learning: Service Learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities. There are four key areas of learning: academic, pre-professional, civic engagement, and personal growth.
  • Supplemental Learning: A class supported by small group sessions led by former students who are selected because they passed the course with a high grade. These study sessions are regularly scheduled, casual sessions in which students from your class compare notes, discuss assignments, and develop organizational tools and study skills.
Departments If you are unsure of specific course subjects and/or course numbers, but you know which department offers the course, click inside this field to see a drop-down list of departments (i.e. English, Mathematics, etc.).
Schedule Type Click inside this field to view a list of Schedule Types (i.e. Classroom, Clinical, Lab, etc.). Select a Schedule Type if you wish to narrow your search to bring back only those types of courses.
Term Options (Blank = All) Click inside this field to view a list of terms (i.e. Full Term, H1, H2, etc.). Select term from the list if you wish to narrow your search to back only those courses offered in that part of term.
Course Number Range If you are not sure of a specific course number but know that it is a 1000, 2000, 3000, etc. course number, you may enter a range in these two fields (i.e. 0027 to 1101).
Start Time End Time To restrict your search results to only those courses offered within a specific time period, enter those times in these fields (i.e. 8:00 a.m. Start Time and 9:00 a.m. End Time).