Property Management

The Property Management Office is chartered to verify the location, custodian, condition and cost of all applicable Fixed Assets the College purchases. An annual inventory of all items (i.e. furniture and equipment that have been assigned a Valencia College asset number and are valued at $5,000 or more) is conducted at the beginning of the calendar year and is ongoing. All College owned equipment is inventoried including those items located off campus.

Important: No item may be relocated, disposed, or traded in without proper notification to the Property Management Office in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Property Control Form

Submit this form when property belonging to Valencia College is to be relocated, removed for disposal, temporarily off-campus.

Property Control Form Instructions

Property Control Info

College Policies

6Hx28: 5-11 College Property Control

6Hx28: 9-02 Gifts to the College

Gifts to the College

Gifts to the College Form


Fanita BrownProperty ManagementProperty Records Clerk(407) 582-1263


Our office has some obsolete equipment, such as a printer, that we no longer use and would like to have it removed from our office. What do we need to do?

Submit a Property Control form to Property Management, and once the appropriate approvals are received, Plant Operations will remove the item.

Where does old property go?

When old, unwanted equipment has been approved for deletion from the property records, it can go to a variety of places. Generally, the equipment is relocated to a surplus warehouse to wait for final disposition. Valencia College has an approved, certified recycler that will pick up the equipment and recycle or dispose of the equipment in a safe, environmentally responsible way. If the equipment is suitable for a landfill (i.e., furniture, metal cabinets, wood desks) and it is more economical to dispose of than to store, then the equipment may be readily disposed. Electronics should never be thrown into a dumpster, no matter how small, and nothing should ever be disposed of without first checking with Property Management.

Can I just throw this old thing in the trash?

Depending on what the old thing is, it probably should not be thrown into the trash. Electronics should never be thrown into the trash, since they may contain harmful chemicals, leads, inks or radioactive materials. Many things may still be tracked by Property Management, even though they are very old; therefore, Property Management should always be consulted before disposal of any items. If you see a "Property of Valencia College" barcode on the item, then a Property Control form must be completed prior to any removal or disposal.


What if we want to give some of our equipment, such as a laptop, to another person/department either at the same campus or at another Valencia campus?

You must complete a Property Control form to relocate an item, not only for our tracking purposes, but also to have Plant Ops move the item for you. If the item is small, like a laptop, and doesn't need to be moved by Plant Ops, be sure to complete a Property Control form for the item prior to relocation. We need to be able to track all equipment once-a-year; therefore, we need to know where the item is located and whose name should be listed as the new custodian of the item.


Why did our office receive an "Unlocated Inventory List" from the Property Management office and what should we do now?

The Property Management office scans all inventory and equipment belonging to Valencia College once-a-year per Florida law. It is difficult to locate every item, particularly laptops and equipment that is checked-out to students/staff, during our beginning-of-the year inventory scans. Our office will then send a list to department heads notifying them of Unlocated Inventory. Please assist us by locating the items on the list and then emailing or calling Property Management to let us know where the items are located.

If you cannot locate the items, and the items have been missing for at least two years, complete a Property Control form noting that the item is missing and have the Security Office complete a Security report for the item. This process will remove the item from our inventory records so that we do not keep asking your office to locate it.


Can employees purchase or donate old computers?

Neither employees nor students are allowed to purchase or donate computers or any other type of equipment belonging to Valencia College.  The Office of Information Technology can be consulted for information on where to purchase new computers.