Youth English Program (YEP)

This program can take place either on Valencia's West Campus or Osceola Campus based on demand. The classrooms are in close proximity to each other and near the advisor and coordinator's offices, the student lounge, and Student Services. With supportive staff, highly trained instructors, state of the art facilities, students start learning and improving their English from day one. This is a 2, 3 or 4-week program based on requests and enrollment. It is an intensive program and students have class every day (Monday-Friday, except holidays) from 9:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. with 2 breaks.

This is primarily an English program that serves educational partners who bring large groups. The program can only take place with sufficient enrollment. Groups must apply no later than one month before the start date. They should email to request information.

Individuals are welcome to apply, but the program is not guaranteed until it receives confirmations of attendance from large groups. Individuals may request information at Continuing Education Student Services (CESS).

2024 Start Dates:

  • January 16 (West Campus)
  • June 17-July 12 (Osceola Campus)
    • No class on July 4 & 5 (holiday weekend)
    • 2, 3, or 4-week program (based on sufficient demand)
  • July 8 (West Campus)
    • 2, 3, or 4-week program (based on sufficient demand)

2025 Start Dates: 

  • January 13 (West Campus)
    • No class on January 20 (MLK Day)
    • 2-week program (extension possible based on sufficient demand)
  • June 16 (Osceola Campus)
    • No class on July 4 (Independence Day)
    • 2-4 week program (based on sufficient demand)
  • July 7 (West Campus or Osceola Campus based on sufficient demand)


  • Students receive a certificate of completion on their last day of class.
  • Each level takes up to four weeks to complete.
  • Three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
  • Classes generally meet Monday-Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
  • Students may  or may not complete the whole level depending on how long they stay.
  • Each level covers different objectives and topics.
Youth Education Program Group Photo January 2023


Students are placed in one of the three program levels based on the results of an English placement test completed online at home before the start of class.


The students' performance will be evaluated through their attendance and participation in the class activities which make them practice the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Certificates of completion indicate the course level and number of hours that the student attended.

Course Materials

Each course level has its own textbook provided by Valencia College. Instructors will give students their book on the first day of class. Students must bring a pen or pencil and paper or a notebook every day to class.