Full-time and Adjunct Theater Faculty
Full-time Faculty
- John DiDonna
Program Chair/Artistic Director, Theater
- Kristin Abel
Theater Technology
- Ginny Kopf
(Voice for the Actor, Movement, Stage Dialects, Acting)
- Ann LaPietra
Audio/Visual (PAC Manager)
- Greg Loftus
Theater Technology
- Sonia Pasqual
Theater Technology
- David 'Ross' Rauschkolb
Technical Director, Theater
- Heather Sladick
Theater Technology (PAC Tech Spvr)
Adjunct Faculty
- Jehad Choate
- Eric Craft
- Timothy DeBaun
- Rebekah Lane
- Kathleen Lindsey-Moulds
- Virginia McKinney
- Donald Rupe
- Michael Shugg
- Aradhana Tiwari
- Jonathan Whiteley
- Timothy Williams