Board Members

Cynthia Harris

MaJorie Waller
Vice Chair
Current Members | Title |
Cynthia Harris | Chair |
MaJorie Waller | Vice Chair, Membership |
Vacant | Corresponding Secretary |
Stephen Graham | Financial Secretary |
Vacant | Recording Secretary |
Shanti Persaud | Parliamentarian |
Joe Caldwell | Chaplain |
Join the BAC
Greetings and thank you for your interest in the Black Advisory Committee.
Community Members
Felicia Boyd
Kim Bradwell
Vicki Brooks
Fannie Brown
Leona Burns
Marion Campbell
Marva Carter
Nyauni Crowelle-Feggins
Lenora Easter
Glenn Foster
Kevin Gaston
Chester Glover
Arthur Jarvis
Monica May
Reginald McGill
Danielle McKinnon
Darryl Smith
Reshell Smith
Margie Wells
Laverne Williams
LaDawn Wyatt-Lyons
Valencia College Representatives