
Getting Ready for your Sabbatical Leave 

Below are the steps that will take place before, during and after your Sabbatical leave.


  • Have a conversation with your supervisor so you are both in agreement about the dates of your leave, and to ensure that your duties are covered during your absence.
  • Submit a Certificate of Absence through the “Request and Manage My Leave System” in Atlas.  From the drop-down menu for Type of Leave select “Sabbatical Leave”.  Click here for detailed instructions.
  • Your submission of this form will trigger internal processes in Human Resources to ensure that your record shows that you are on sabbatical, and because your supervisor will approve your leave, he/she will also have a copy of your leave.



Enjoy your time! You are relieved of all academic and administrative duties and responsibilities during the period of your leave. You should not serve on college committees, faculty senates/associations, or accept other similar assignments during the time of your sabbatical leave. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the College President.



Submit your report
  • Within four (4) months following completion of the Sabbatical leave, you will need to submit a report summarizing the experiences, benefits and/or achievements resulting from the Sabbatical leave.  Your report will be forwarded to the Sabbatical leave committee, the Human Resources office, and your dean.
  • Submit Report
Expectation of future service
  • Sabbatical leave is only awarded with the expressed provision that you will continue in full-time service at the college for at least one (1) full year after completion of the Sabbatical leave.
  • As you move forward with your sabbatical leave planning, please don’t hesitate to contact your dean or me with any questions. 
  • Please take time to review the sabbatical leave policy and procedure (6Hx28: 3D-12) and make note of the requirements of the award. 

Changes or modifications

Any substantive changes in your Sabbatical plans, including changes while the leave is underway, must be submitted in writing and approved by your dean and campus president for faculty, or supervisor and senior administrator for non-faculty and the chair on behalf of the Sabbatical committee. The final decision on approval of modifications of proposed plans rests with the President.

Sabbatical Leave Report

Within four (4) months following completion of the Sabbatical leave, you will need to submit a report summarizing the experiences, benefits and/or achievements resulting from the Sabbatical leave. 

Your report will be forwarded to the Sabbatical leave committee, the Human Resources office, and your dean.