Objective 3.2

By 2018, the Osceola, Lake Nona, and Poinciana Campuses will provide all first-time-at-Valencia students a personalized welcome that includes at least one invitation to a campus activity related to their meta-major before or during their first semester of enrollment.

Team Sponsor

Liz Suarez

Team Members

AJ Kirby

Laura Browning

Marlene Temes

Rick Dexter

Maritza Gaviria

Chris Klinger

Andrea Foley

Work Plan

Charge and Work Products

The working team should produce a general plan and ideas to accomplish the aforementioned objective. The general plan should include ideas, recommendations, and a framework to be implemented by the spring term 2018.

Known Constraints, Criteria, or Design Principles

Budget and logistical constraints are foreseeable with the implementation of this objective, which will be discussed after the sponsor reviews the initial draft created by the work team. It is beneficial to look at current programs, services, and other implemented past/cancelled programs serving this objective that could be taken into scale or revised to minimize budget and logistics impact.

Relevant Strategic Goals

Valencia’s strategic goals served by this work are:

  1. Build Pathways
  2. Invest in Each Other
