
Classrooms and Learning Spaces

Students in this program train and practice in traditional, academic quality rehearsal spaces. These include acoustically reinforced band and choir rooms, as well as practice rooms crafted to support both solo and ensemble practice, as well as access to various instruments. The music program “music wing” is concentrated in building 3 at Valencia College East Campus. The intimate proximity allows for collaboration between students. Faculty offices are in or close to class.


East Campus

Music Wing: Building 3, Room 123

Keyboard lab designed for class instruction on piano.

East Campus

Music Wing: Building 3, Room 124

Choral room with risers is a multi purpose room focused on ensembles.

East Campus

Music Wing: Building 3, Room 126

Band room is home to symphonic, jazz, small ensembles and commercial.

360 Tour: Band Room

Practice rooms

Open spaces for students to practice or received applied instruction, keyboards, full-length mirrors (to help learn posture and body structure as you learn to sing or play), a dedicated percussion room and dedicated piano studio.