Preparing a Curriculum Proposal

Step 1: Determine what kind of proposal you are preparing.

  • Are you adding a new course?
    • Use Credit Course Addition - CCA - Form
  • Are you modifying an existing course?
    • Use Credit Course Modification - CCM - Form
  • Are you deleting a course?
    • Use Credit Course Deletion - CCD - Form
  • Are you adding a new program (i.e., technical certificate or A.S. degree)?
    • Use Credit Program Addition - CPA - Form; and a mock-up of the Program Sheet for the Catalog that will include information contained on the Overview tab (program description, admission information, program chair and advisor information, etc.)
    • Note: The Senior Team must approve new programs prior to development.
  • Are you modifying an existing program?
    • Use Credit Program Modification - CPM - Form 
  • Are you deleting a program?
    • Use Credit Program Deletion - CPD - Form and follow the deletion timeline guidelines in the Curriculum Manual.

If you need additional guidance, please see your Division or Department representative. If you still have questions, please contact either Krissy Brissett or Cheryl Robinson in the Office for Curriculum and Articulation

Step 2: Preparing Your Outline and Proposal Forms.

  • Have a conversation with collegewide faculty and deans in your discipline about your idea. This conversation can inform your proposal, and what is subsequently entered into CIM, to be sure faculty:
    • are aware of what you are proposing
    • have the opportunity to provide input on the outcomes, assessment, and credit/contact/lab breakdown
    • have a chance to ask questions about the rationale for your proposal
    • provide feedback about all aspects of your proposal before it comes to them for a vote. Faculty should be aware of all proposals coming to them for a vote before they are asked to cast their vote. The first time they see a proposal should not be when they are receiving it for a vote.
  • For a CCA, make sure to create an outline in the Course Information Management System and have it voted on prior to completing the CCA form. As soon as the basic course information (Catalog information) is available, notify Krissy Brissett so that she can submit the course to the State Course Numbering System (SCNS) for an official number. The course cannot be taken before the CCC without an approved number. The voting only occurs through the Course Information Management System process; no additional voting needs to occur with the CCA form. Be sure to attach a course syllabus in the CCA form (required). If the course is intended to be included in the General Education Program, a CPM form will be needed. Notify your voting list, and the CCC will serve as the voting body for the General Education Program Modification.

  • For a CCM, CCD, CPM, or CPD proposal, complete the appropriate form in the builder and vote (and encourage your colleagues to vote). Note: All Course forms and all Program forms are now located in Course Information Management System.

  • For a CPA form, take the Program Proposal Generator to your dean and campus president for approval. Once all appropriate stakeholders have been given an opportunity to review the proposal, voting can occur.

Step 3: Submit the completed proposal.

Submit the completed proposal through Course Information Management System (including, as appropriate, a course outline, course syllabus, Program Proposal Generator Form, mock-up sheet, mark-up) at least two to three weeks prior to the Curriculum Committee meeting. View the Meeting Schedule

Step 4: Attend the Curriculum Committee meeting.

Be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • How does the course that is being approved fit into the program? (Context)
  • For proposals where the initiator is requesting that a course be put into General Education - what does the Committee look for? (see questions in the Curriculum Manual - Pages 4 and 5)
  • Is the course description language consistent and appropriate for the Catalog?
  • Is the course modification changing hours? If so, please check with other disciplines to ensure that the credit hour changes do not impact another program.
  • Does the program include the appropriate General Education requirements? At least 15 hours for an A.S. degree and 18 hours if you plan on articulating to a B.A.S. or B.S. degree. Remember, there needs to be an ENC 1101 course, a humanities course, a math or science course, and a social science course.
  • If you are deleting a course, is it impacting other program areas or General Education?
  • If you are changing program hours, does this impact the total number of program hours? Remember, this is assigned by the State and cannot change.
  • If you are considering a course for General Education, does your course description state that it is a General Education course? There should be no language in the Catalog Course Description that refers to the course as being a "General Education Course."
  • If your course is repeatable for credit, did you make sure that you put a credit hour limit on the course?
  • If the course is an honors course, did you follow the current Honors course description?

Important things to remember

  • The Curriculum Committee is here to help you. We ask questions from a broad perspective, so that we can cover all issues.
  • You know your proposal better than anyone; you should attend the Curriculum Committee meeting to explain it. If you are unable to attend the meeting, try to have another person present your proposal. If the committee has questions that cannot be answered during the meeting your proposal may be tabled. Depending on the timing of your proposal, tabling it may impact its inclusion in the catalog.
  • Make sure your dean and collegewide discipline faculty know that you have a proposal before it goes to them for a vote.
  • If your proposal is not approved, you may be able to go back to your department, re-work the proposal, and present it again.