You did it! You finished your first 15 credits which is a huge accomplishment. You're a quarter of the way done—a step closer to achieving your degree and walking across that graduation stage. The hard work you're putting in today is creating a better tomorrow. Be proud of what you've done and where you're heading. You've got a bright future in store.
Get Your Free Gift.
We've got a free t-shirt for you in your size. Please fill out the #First15 Registration form.
All you need to do is attach a digital copy of your congratulatory Atlas email message to the registration form.

Share Your Pride
Wear your shirt. Show it off.
Completing your First 15 is something to be proud of! We hope you wear your First 15 shirt and share your #First15 pride by posting your photo on social media.
And be sure to tag @StudentDevCW on Instagram.