Mission and Goals

The Valencia College Office of Policy and General Counsel is committed to act with integrity, knowledge of the law, and reason, in support of the dynamic educational environment of the College by providing timely, updated and accurate legal advice to the College administrators, faculty and staff, in their roles on behalf of the College. The Office provides, manages, and coordinates all legal services for the College, whether through the Office or outside law firms, to ensure efficiency, containment of costs, and reliability of service.


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State Legislative Information

2024 Legislative Session

For more information on the content and progress of a particular bill, the simplest way to access current bill information is to go to www.flsenate.gov and enter the bill number in the space provided on the top of the homepage, or go to www.myfloridahouse.gov and click on the top tab “Bills.” Senate bills are always even numbers (SB 22) and House bills are always odd numbers (HB 11). On the House site, note that you may choose either chamber or choose “both.” When you enter the bill number, the history of the bill will appear, along with bill text, amendments, analyses, and more. Please note, at the end of the Legislative Session, we will distribute a Session Report which will provide you with accurate information on what passed, what didn't, and how Valencia College may be affected.

For more information regarding legislative matters please contact:                                   Bill Mullowney bmullowney@valenciacollege.edu

Valencia Session Reports

Past Issues of the Valencia Session Report may be found under Session Report Archives.

The Session Report provides brief summaries of budget matters and substantive legislation affecting Florida Colleges. Please note that at present, all appropriations and many bills are subject to the Governor's veto. All bill numbers are hyperlinked to their respective bill pages on the state's Online Sunshine site. There, you can find more information including all versions of bill text, histories, and staff analyses.

At the end of the Report, you will find information about the members of Valencia's state legislative delegation - that is, those legislators who represent Florida House or Senate districts located within Orange or Osceola counties. Here you will find their names, pictures (pictures are hyperlinked to their Online Sunshine Member pages), committee assignments and contact information.

Finally, interspersed throughout the report are images of paintings depicting Florida's history and heritage, the originals of which are displayed in the House Chamber. Click on them and discover the stories behind the paintings!

We hope you find the Valencia College Session Report to be informative and helpful.

Policies & Procedures


2024 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6Hx28: 3C-01 Total Rewards:  Compensation & Hours of Work for Employees of the College (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-06.1 Contracts for Instructional, Executive, Senior Administrator, and Administrator Employees (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-11 Retirement Programs (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-14 401(a) Qualified Retirement Plan (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-02 Leaves of Absence (published 07/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-09 Court-Related Leave (published 03/15/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (published 06/03/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01 Employment Separations and Exit Process (published 10/16/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-02 Terminal Pay for Full-Time Employees (published 09/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 4-07 Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals (published 03/15/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 4-09 Instructional Materials (published 10/16/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 7A-02 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources (published 07/21/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 10-02 Trespass Warning/Arrest (published 08/07/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 10-07 Parking and Vehicle Traffic (published 08/07/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 10-07.2 Non-Motorized Vehicles on Campus (published 08/07/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 11-08.1 Temporary Use of Rooms or Campus Facilities (published 10/16/2024)

2024 Notices of Rule Adoption

  • 6Hx28: 3D-02 Leaves of Absence (published 08/03/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-09 Court-Related Leave (published 05/13/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (published 08/03/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 4-07 Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals (published 05/13/2024)
  • 6Hx28: 7A-02 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources (08/03/2024)

2024 Notices of Rule Repeal

  • 6Hx28: 7A-01 Information Technology Resources Policies (published 08/03/2024)

2024 Adopted Policies

  • 6Hx28: 3D-02 Leaves of Absence (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-09 Court-Related Leave (06/20/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-08 Disciplinary Action (02/01/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (02/01/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03 Suspension, Dismissal, Return to Annual Contract, or Non-Renewal of Contracts (02/01/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 4-07 Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals (06/20/2024 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 7A-02 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)

2024 Repealed Policies

  • 6Hx28: 7A-01 Information Technology Resources Policies (09/05/2024 Board Meeting)

2023 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6Hx28: 1-03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees (published 08/14/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-01 Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-03 Animals on Campus (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-02 Pre-Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees (published 07/15/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-08 Disciplinary Action (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (published 12/02/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01 Outprocessing for Employees (published 03/11/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03 Suspension, Dismissal, Return to Annual Contract, or Non-Renewal of Contracts (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-11 Academic Dishonesty (published 10/21/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-04 Firearms and Weapons on College Property and at College Events (published 03/11/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-05 Smoking Regulations (published 04/08/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 11-07 Changes in Construction After award of Contract (published 05/02/2023)


2023 Notices of Rule Adoption

  • 6Hx28: 1-03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-01 Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-03 Animals on Campus (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-02 Pre-Employment Screening and Inprocessing of Employees (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-08 Disciplinary Action (published 12/13/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (published 12/13/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01 Outprocessing of Employees (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03 Suspension, Dismissal, Return to Annual Contract, and Non-Renewal of Contracts (published 12/13/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-05.2 Abandonment of Position (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 8-11 Academic Dishonesty (published 11/04/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-04 Firearms and Weapons on College Property and at College Events (published 04/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 10-05 Smoking Regulations (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 11-07 Changes in Construction After Contract Award (published 05/22/2023)

2023 Notices of Rule Repeal

  • 6Hx28: 9-04 Advertising (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 6-12 Bonds (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 9-05 College Publications (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-01.4 Commencement (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-06 Developing Business Program( published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 11-04 Lake Pamela West Campus (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 2-05 Minority and Women's Business Enterprise Program (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 9-03 Photography (published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 5-03 Public Contact with Students, Faculty, and Staff(published 08/18/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-05.5 Tutoring (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-05.1 Resignations of Administrative and Instructional Employees   (published 05/22/2023)
  • 6Hx28: 6-02 Investment of Funds (published 04/22/2023)

2023 Adopted Policies

  • 6Hx28: 1-03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-01 Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-03 Animals on Campus (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-02 Pre-Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-01 Employment Separations and Exit Process (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-05.2 Abandonment of Position (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28 8-11 Academic Integrity (12/07/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-4 Firearms and Weapons on College Property and at College Events (05/25/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-05 Smoking Regulations (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 11-07 Changes in Construction After Contract Award (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)

2023 Repealed Policies

  • 6Hx28: 2-05 Minority and Women's Business Enterprise Program (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-06 Developing Business Program (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-01.4 Commencement (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-05.5 Tutoring (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-05.1 Resignations of Administrative and Instructional Employees (06/22/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 5-03 Public Contact with Students, Faculty, and Staff (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 6-02 Investment of Funds (05/25/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6H28: 6-12 Bonds (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 9-03 Photography (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 9-04 Advertising (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 11-04 Lake Pamela West Campus (09/14/2023 Board Meeting)

2022 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6Hx28: 3C-01.4 Commencement (published 06/15/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-05.5 Tutoring (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-03 Suspension, Dismissal, Return to Annual Contract, or Non-Renewal of Contracts (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-04 Reductions in Force or Consolidation or Reduction in Program - Continuing Contract Instructional Personnel (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 3F-05.2 Abandonment of Position (published 10/28/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (published 02/27/2022) 
  • 6Hx28: 9-07 Naming Opportunities (published 04/25/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 11-08.1 Temporary Use of Rooms or Campus Facilities (published 08/12/2022)
  • 6Hx28: 11-08.2 College Facilities, Non-College Use of (published 08/12/2022)


2022 Adopted Policies 

  • 6Hx28: 2-04 AIDS and HIV (05/26/2022 Board Meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-02 Flexible Work Arrangements for Non-Instructional Employees (06/23/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-06.1 Family and Medical Leave (12/01/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-06.3 Workers' Compensation and Illness or Injury in Line of Duty Leave (12/01/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 5-05 Vehicle Use for College Business (05/26/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 5-11 College Property Control (05/26/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 9-06 Grant Funding (05/26/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-1 Reporting Incidents or Injuries (12/01/2022 Board meeting)


2022 Repeals

  • 6H28: 3A-06 Employee and Student Exchanges (12/01/2022 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 8-04 Student Possession or Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages (05/26/2022 Board meeting)


2021 Notices of Rule Development

  • 6Hx28: 4-09 Instructional Materials (published 08/20/2021)
  • 6Hx28: 8-11 Academic Dishonesty (published 10/23/2021)
  • 6Hx28: TBD Trademark Policy (published 09/19/2021)

2021 Notices of Rule Adoption

  • 6Hx28: 4-09 Instructional Materials (published 10/30/2021)

2021 Notices of Rule Repeal

  • None

2021 Adopted Policies

  • 6Hx28: 1-06 The President of the College (06/23/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 2-08 Accommodations of Religious Observances by Students (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-01.5 Work Assignments and Compensation During Emergencies, Disasters, and Other Extraordinary and Adverse Work Conditions (12/02/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-06.2 Fitness for Duty (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3D-10 Military Leave (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3E-09 Employee Dispute Resolution (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 8-03 Student Code of Conduct (12/02/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-08 Drug-Free Campuses and Workplace (12/02/2021 Board meeting)

2021 Repeals

  • 6Hx28: 3A-07 Temporary Duty (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3B-01 Human Resources Actions (07/28/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 3C-01.3 Councils and Committees (05/26/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28 3E-05.4 Acceptance of Gifts Resulting from Purchase of Adoption of Books, Equipment, or Materials by the College (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28 3E-07 Personal Financial Obligations (02/24/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 6-03.2 Signatures on Checks and Human Resources (07/28/2021 Board meeting)
  • 6Hx28: 10-08.2 Drug-Free Workplace (12/02/2021 Board meeting)

Notice Archives

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