Historical Archives

These documents are for historical purposes only. They have either been updated or discontinued. They in no way reflect current policies or procedures.


Volume 1 - Governance

1 01 Organization Authority and Location Policy 11 20 2001
1 01 Organization Authority Location Policy 11 20 2001
1 02 General Policy 11 20 2001
1 03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Policy 06 24 2020
1 03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Policy 11 20 2001
1 03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Policy 12 16 2020
1 04 Rules of Procedures for Meetings of the District Board of Trustees Policy 11 20 2001
1 04 Rules of Procedures of the District Board of Trustees Policy 10 16 2013
1 05 Officers and Their Duties Policy 11 20 2001
1 06 Powers and Duties of the President of the College Policy 11 20 2001
1 06 The President of the College Policy 06 24 2020
1 07 Faculty Association Policy 11 18 1992
1 08 College Accountability Process Policy 11 20 2001
1 09 Policy Development and Review 01 3 2017
1 09 Policy Development and Review Policy 11 20 2001
1 09 Policy Development and Review Procedure 09 23 2020
1 09 Policy Development Review and Approval Procedure 02 14 2023
1 10 Policy Against Improper Activities Whistleblower Protection Policy 06 19 2009
1 10 Policy Against Improper Activities Whistleblower Protection Procedure 6 16 2009
1 11 Indemnification Policy 11 20 2001
1 12 Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Prohibited Policy 11 20 2001
1 12 Educational Affordability Procedure 10 24 2018
1 13 Review and Amendment of Governance Policies Policy 11 20 2001

Volume 2 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity

2 01 Discrim. Harassment Related Conduct Procedure 09 22 2016
2 01 Discrimination Conduct Procedure 08 26 21 1
2 01 Discrimination Harassment and Related Misconduct
2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct 07 01 2018
2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct Policy 8 22 2019
2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct Procedure 08 14 2020
2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct Procedure 08 22 2019
2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct Procedure 08 26 2021
2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct Procedure 08 30 2022
2 01 Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy 12 18 2012
2 01 Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy 12 21 2004
2 02 Harassment Sexual Harassment Policy 12 18 2012
2 02 Workplace Accommodations Applicants Employees Procedure 12 11 2019
2 02 Workplace Accommodations for Applicants and Employees Procedure 12 19 2019
2 02 Workplace Accommodations for Applicants and Employees.procedure 10 13 2022
2 03 Animals on Campus Policy 02 26 2020
2 03 Investigating and Resolving Discrimination Harrasment and Sexual Harassment Complaints Policy 12 18 2012
2 03 Investigating and Resolving Discrimination Harrasment and Sexual Harassment Complaints Procedure 12 18 2012
2 04 Aids Policy 12 21 2004
2 04 Aids Policy Procedure 12 21 2004
2 05 Minority and Womens Business Enterprise Program Policy 12 21 2004
2 06 Developing Business Program Policy 12 21 2004
2 07 Substitute Admission and Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities Policy 12 21 2004
2 07 Substitute Admission and Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities Procedure 02 25 2015
2 08 Accommodation of Religious Observances by Students Policy 03 22 1995
2 08 Accommodation of Religious Observances by Students Procedure 02 24 2021
3d 06.1.1 Parenting Leave Procedure 10 19 2022

Volume 3a - Human Resources, General Employment

3a 01 Job Description for Personnel of the College 11 18 1992
3a 02.1 Def of Admin Inst and Prof Employees 11 18 1992
3a 02.2 Definition of Full Time Employment Instructional and Admin Employees 11 18 1992
3a 02.3 Definition of a Career Service Employee 11 18 1992
3a 02.4 Definition of Full Time Employment for Career 11 18 1992
3a 03 Classification of Career Service Positions 11 18 1992
3a 04.1 Part Time Personnel 11 18 1992
3a 04.2 Part Time Instructional Personnel 11 18 1992
3a 05 Substitute Professors Procedure 11 18 1992
3a 06 Employee and Student Exchanges Policy 11 18 1992
3a 07 Temporary Duty Repealed 02 24 2021
3c 02.1 Hours of Work for Career Service Employees 11 18 1992

Volume 3b - Human Resources, Recruitment & Selection

3b 01 Human Resources Actions Policy 11 18 1992
3b 01 Human Resources Actions Policy Repealed 07 28 2021
3b 01 Human Resources Actions Procedure 11 18 1992
3b 02 Inprocessing of New Employees Policy 11 18 1992
3b 02 Inprocessing of New Employees Procedure 11 18 1992
3b 02 Pre Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees Procedure 05 23 2018
3b 02 Pre Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees Procedure 7 25 2017
3b 02 Pre Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees Procedure 12 07 2023
3b 02 Pre Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees
3b 03 Pre Employment Drug Testing Policy 08 18 1993
3b 03 Pre Employment Drug Testing Procedure 08 18 1993
3B 03 Recruitment and Selection 09 27 2017
3b 03 Recruitment and Selection of Employees Procedure 05 28 2014
3b 03 Recruitment Selection and Hiring of Employees Procedure 10 19 2017
3b 04.1 Recruitment of Admin and Inst Employees Repeal 11 18 1992
3b 04.2 Recruitment of Career Service Employees Repeal 11 18 1992

Volume 3c - Human Resources, Hours of Work, Compensation, Retirement and Benefits

3c 01 Total Rewards Compensation Hours Employees Procedure 02 24 2021
3c 01 Total Rewards Compensation Hours Employees Procedure 04 17 2018
3c 01 Total Rewards Compensation Hours Employees Procedure 11 2 2016
3c 01.1 Hours of Work for Instructional and Administrative Employees 11 18 1992
3c 01.2 Assignment of Classroom and Laboratory Professors Procedure 07 16 2013
3c 01.2 Workload for Professors Procedure 07 24 2018
3c 01.2 Workload for Professors Procedure 09 14 2023
3c 01.2 Workload for Professors Procedure 7 16 2013
3c 01.3 Councils and Committees Repealed 05 26 2021
3c 01.4 Commencement Policy 11 18 1992
3c 01.5 Absence of a Professor from Class 11 18 1992
3c 01.5 Emergency Management Disaster Procedure 12 02 2021
3c 01.5 Emergency Management Emergency or Disaster Work Assignments and Compensation Procedure 6 26 2019
3c 01.5 Emergency Management Policy 06 26 2019
3c 02 Flexible Work Arrangements for Non Instructional Employees Procedure 06 23 2022
3c 02.2 Recording of Hours Worked for Career Service 11 18 1992
3c 02.3 Overtime Compensation for Career Service Employees 05 15 2012
3c 02.3 Overtime Compensation for Career Service Employees Policy 05 15 2001
3c 02.3 Overtime Compensation for Career Service Employees Procedure 05 15 2001
3c 02.4 Night Shift Differential 11 18 1992
3c 02.5 Payment to Career Service Employees for Holidays Worked 11 18 1992
3c 03.1 Payroll Deduction Authorization 01 21 1998
3c 03.2 Payroll Deductions for Dues for Certain Qualifying Employee Organizations 11 18 1992
3c 04 Total Rewards Employee Educ Recognition Procedure 11 2 2016
3c 04 Total Rewards Recognition Full Time Employees Educational Advancement 03 23 2017
3c 04.1 Salary Schedule 09 20 1995
3c 04.3.1 Pay for Instructional Personnel Receving Advanced College Credit.repeal.04 16 1997
3c 04.3.2 Pay of Professional and Administrative Personnel Receiving Advanced College Credit Repeal 01 20 1999
3c 05 Transfer from Temporary Grant Funded Position to a College Funded Position 11 18 1992
3c 06.1 Contracts for Administrative Professional and Instructional Personnel Policy 04 15 2008
3c 06.1 Contracts for Instructional Executive and Administrative Employees Procedure 04 15 2008
3c 06.2 Supplemental and Overload Contracts
3c 07 Emp Develop Funds Procedure 5 23 2018
3c 07 Employee Dependent and Program Development Funds Procedure 06 28 2022
3c 07 Employee Dependent Program Development Funds Procedure 05 23 2018
3c 07 Employee Dependent Program Development Funds Procedure 07 24 2018
3c 07 Staff Paid Through Staff and Program Development Funds
3c 08 Insurance Comprehensive Medical and Life Program Policy 01 20 1999
3c 09 Waiver of Matriculation or Tuition 05 23 18
3c 11 Retirement Contributions Policy 05 15 2001
3c 11 Retirement Contributions Procedure 05 15 2001
3c 12 Retirement Incentive Program Repeal 03 17 1999
3c 12 Retirement Incentive Programs Policy 07 01 2019
3c 12 Retirement Incentive Programs Procedure 09 12 2015
3c 13 Optional Retirement Program Repeal 01 17 1996

Volume 3d - Human Resources, Leave

3d 01 Holidays and Other Paid Non Duty Days 10 22 2002
3d 01 Paid Non Duty Days 04 16 2013
3d 02 Leave of Absence Policy 03 22 1995
3d 02 Leaves of Absence Policy 12 12 2018
3d 02 Leaves of Absence Procedure 12 12 2018
3d 02 Leaves of Absence Related Procedures Expired 12 31 2020
3d 03 Total Rewards Vacation Sick and Personal Leave for Full Time Employees Procedure 10 13 2022
3d 03 Total Rewards Vacation Sick and Personal Leave for Full Time Employees Procedure 12 12 2018
3d 03 Total Rewards Vacation Sick and Personal Leave for Full Time Employees
3d 03 Vacation Leave 12 14 2010
3d 04 Sick Leave 04 16 2013
3d 04 Sick Leave 12 10 2002
3d 05 Sick Leave Pool 09 27 2017
3d 05 Sick Leave Pool Procedure 09 27 2017
3d 05 Sick Leave Pool Procedure 10 13 2022
3d 06.1 Family and Medical Leave Procedure 12 01 2022
3d 06.1 Family Medical Leave Policy 04 16 2013
3d 06.1 Family Medical Leave Policy 09 27 2017
3d 06.1 Family Medical Leave Procedure Without Related Procedures Section 09 27 2017
3d 06.1 Family Medical Leave Related Procedures Expired 12 31 2020
3d 06.1.1 Paid Parenting Leave for Full Time Employees.procedure 11 08 2022
3d 06.1.1 Paid Parenting Leave for Full Time Employees.procedure.05 15 2023
3d 06.1.1 Parenting Leave Policy 10 22 2014
3d 06.1.1 Parenting Leave Procedure 10 13 2022
3d 06.1.1 Parenting Leave Procedure 10 22 2014
3d 06.1.1 Total Rewards Parenting Leave Procedure 04 24 2019
3d 06.2 Fitness for Duty Policy 04 16 2013
3d 06.2 Fitness for Duty Procedure 02 24 2021
3d 06.2 Medical Examinations 04 20 1994
3d 06.3 Illness in Line of Duty Leave Policy 11 18 1992
3d 06.3 Illness or Injury in Line of Duty Leave Policy 04 16 2013
3d 06.3 Workers Compensation and Illness or Injury in Line of Duty Leave Procedure 12 01 2022
3d 06.3 Workers Compensation Illness Injury Inline Duty Leave Policy 12 11 2019
3d 07.1 Leave for Personal Reasons 04 16 2013
3d 07.1 Leave for Personal Reasons Policy 11 18 1992
3d 07.2 Personal Leave Without Pay 4 20 1994
3d 08 Partial Leave 09 27 2017
3d 09 Court Related Leave 04 16 2013
3d 09 Court Related Leave Policy 06 26 2019
3d 09 Court Related Leave Procedure 06 26 2019
3d 10 Military Leave Policy 02 24 2021
3d 10 Military Leave Policy 04 16 2013
3d 10 Military Leave Procedure 02 24 2021
3d 10 Military Leave Procedure 06 28 2022
3d 13 Domestic Violence Leave Procedure 12 12 2018

Volume 3e - Human Resources, Standards for Performance and Conduct; Evaluation, Disciplinary Actions; Dispute Resolution Procedures

3 E 08 Disciplinary Action Policy 10 13 2023
3 E 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Policy 12 12 2018
3e 01 Career Service Employee Performance Evaluations Policy 11 18 1992
3e 01 Career Service Employee Performance Evaluations Procedure 11 18 1992
3e 01 Full Time Personnel Performance Evaluations Policy 06 15 1012
3e 02 Award of Tenure and Evaluation of Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Policy 07 16 2013
3e 02 Award of Tenure and Evaluation of Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Procedure 07 16 2013
3E 02 Award of Tenure and Evaluation of Tenured and Tenured Track Faculty Procedure 01 27 2015
3e 02 Award of Tenure and Evaluation of Tenured and Tenured Track Faculty Procedure 08 8 2017
3e 02 Award Tenure Evaluation Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Procedure 09 19 2018
3e 02 Award Tenure Evaluation Tenured and Tenure Track Procedure 02 24 2020
3e 04 Acceptance by All Employees of the Policies of the College 11 18 1992
3e 05.1 Reasons for Dismissal Policy 11 18 1992
3e 05.1 Reasons for Dismissal
3e 05.2 Code of Ethics for Public Employees Policy 11 18 1992
3e 05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance 02 26 2014
3e 05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance Policy 02 28 2018
3e 05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance Procedure 02 24 2021
3e 05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance Procedure 8 22 2018
3e 05.4 Acceptance of Gifts Resulting from Purchaser Repealed Policy 11 18 1992
3e 05.5 Tutoring Policy 04 27 2016
3e 05.5 Tutoring Policy 11 18 1992
3e 07 Personal Financial Obligations Repealed Policy 11 18 1992
3e 08 Disciplinary Action Policy 11 18 1992
3e 08 Disciplinary Action Policy and Procedure 11 18 1992
3e 08 Disciplinary Action Procedure 05 28 2014
3e 08 Disciplinary Action Procedure 5 28 2014
3e 08 Disciplinary Action Procedure 10 24 2022
3e 08 Displinary Action Procedure 02 24 2021
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Policy 09 08 2022
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Procedure 02 01 2024
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Procedure 02 24 2021
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Procedure 04 09 22
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Procedure 09 08 2022
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Procedure 11 11 2019
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution Procedure 12 12 2018

Volume 3f - Human Resources, Separation and Termination from Employment

3f 01 Employment Separations and Exit Process Procedure 06 22 2023
3f 01 Outprocessing of Employees Policy 11 18 1992
3f 02 Terminal Leave for Full Time Employees Policy in Effect Prior to 2001
3f 02 Terminal Pay for Full Time Employees Procedure 06 29 2023
3f 02 Terminal Pay for Full Time Employees Procedure 07 30 2024
3f 02 Terminal Pay for Full Time Employees Procedure 12 12 2018
3f 02 Terminal Pay Nov 2 2016
3f 03 Suspension Dismissal or Non Renewal of Admin. Professional or Instructional Employees Policy 11 18 1992
3f 03 Suspension Dismissal Return to Annual Contract or Non Renewal of Contracts Policy 02 26 2014
3f 03 Suspension Dismissal Return to Annual Contract or Non Renewal of Contracts Policy 11 02 2016
3f 05.1 Resignations of Administrative and Instructional Employees Poiicy 11 18 1992
3f 05.2 Abandonment of Position 11 18 1992

Volume 4 - Curriculum and Instruction

4 01 Accreditation Procedure 03 05 2021
4 01 Accreditation Procedure 09 26 2018
4 07 Academic Progress Course Attendance and Grades 04 20 10
4 07 Academic Progress Course Attendance and Grades and Withdrawals 06 20 2024
4 07 Academic Progress Course Attendance and Grades and Withdrawals 12 05 2018
4 07 Academic Progress Course Attendance and Grades and Withdrawals Policy 02 26 2020
4 09 Instructional Materials Policy 11 18 1992
4 09 Instructional Materials Procedure 09 17 2013
4 09 Textbook Selection Policy 11 18 1992
4 15 Offering Continuing Professional Education Noncredit Courses Onetimebasis 11 18 1992
4 38 Information Technology Resources

Volume 5 - General Administrative

5 02 Regulation of Promotion and Public Speaking 04 15 2008
5 02 Regulation Promotion Public Speaking Procedure 04 01 2009
5 02 Speech Expression Commercial Activity on College Property Procedure 02 14 2023
5 03 Public Contact with Students Faculty and Staff Policy 11 18 1992
5 05 College Vehicles Policy 10 16 2007
5 08 Travel by Authorized Personnel Procedure 05 15 2007
5 08 Travel by Authorized Personnel Procedure 12 04 2012
5 10 Bidding Requirements Policy 06 16 1999
5 11 College Property Control 06 21 2005
5 11 College Property Control Policy 07 01 2019
5 11 College Property Control Procedure 5 26 22
5 12 Other Insurance College Property Liability and Workers Compensation Policy 11 18 1992
5 13 Facsimile Signatures Policy 02 15 2011

Volume 6 - Fiscal

6 01.1 Receipt and Deposit of Funds Policy 11 18 1992
6 01.1 Receipt and Deposit of Funds Procedure 11 18 1992
6 02 Investment of Funds Policy 10 16 2007
6 02 Investment of Funds Procedure 10 16 2007
6 03.1 Expenditures 06 27 2000
6 08.1 Student Fees and Refunds 11 10 2017
6 3.02 Signatures on Checks and Personnel Contracts Repealed 07 28 2021
6 12 Bonds Policy 11 18 1992

Volume 7a - Information Technology

7a 01 Information Technology Resources Policies Repeal 03 12 2002

Volume 7b - Records Management

7b 02 Student Records 04 10 2017
7b 05 Human Resources Record Information 11 18 1992

Volume 8 - Students

8 02 Admission 09 18 2012
8 02 Admission Policy 06 20 2012
8 02 Admissions 09 28 2016
8 02 Admissions Procedure 02 07 2020
8 02 Admissions Procedure 10 25 2017
8 03 Student Code of Conduct 12 02 2021
8 03 Student Code of Conduct Policy 05 17 2007
8 03 Student Code of Conduct Procedure 05 15 2007
8 03 Student Code of Conduct Procedure 05 20 2020
8 03 Student Code of Conduct Procedure 12 02 2021
8 04 Repeal 11 18 1992
8 06 Residency 12 20 2005
8 07 Student Clubs and Organizations Procedure 12 20 2005
8 09 Requirement of Accident and Hospitalization Insurance for International Students Procedure 12 20 2005
8 10 Student Academic Dispute and Administrative Complaint Procedure 12 19 2019
8 10 Student Academic Dispute and Administrative Complaint Resolution Policy 01 05 2009
8 10 Student Academic Dispute and Administrative Complaint Resolution Procedure 09 23 2015
8 11 Academic Dishonesty Policy 12 11 2007
8 12 Hazing Policy 12 20 2005

Volume 9 - Advancement

9 02 Gifts to the College No Changes Reviewed 04 29 2021
9 03 Photography Policy 11 18 1992
9 06 Grant Funding Policy 11 18 1992

Volume 10 - Campus Safety and Security

10 01 Incidents Accidents or Injuries Policy 11 18 1992
10 02 Trespass 11 18 1992
10 03 Fire or Other Emergency 11 18 1992
10 04 Firearms and Weapons on College Property and at College Events Policy 04 23 2014
10 04 Firearms on Campus Policy 11 18 1992
10 05 Smoking Regulations Policy 09 19 2000
10 05 Smoking Regulations Procedure 09 19 2000
10 06 Sexual Assault and Other Crimes of Violence Policy 09 16 2008
10 06 Sexual Assault and Other Crimes of Violence Procedure 09 16 2008
10 07.2 Non Motorized Vehicles on Campus Procedure 10 25 2017
10 08 1 Drug Free Campuses Policy 11 18 1992
10 08 2 Drug Free Workplace Policy 11 18 1992
10 08 Drug Free Campuses and Workplace Procedure 12 02 2021
10 1 Reporting Incidents or Injuries Policy 12 11 2019

Volume 11 - Campus Facilities

11 02 Animals and Pets 10 16 2007
11 04 Lake Pamela West Campus Policy 10 16 2007
11 07 Changes in Construction After Award of Contract Policy 10 16 2007
11 08.1 Temporary Use of Rooms or Campus Facilities Procedure 11 18 1992