Learning Outcomes Assessment

During fall 2024 the majority of Assessment Leadership Teams (ALTs) are in the second year of a two-year cycle.  Others are starting a new two or already underway. All will be using the reporting document called the Scope of Work.

The current cycle and contacts for Faculty Fellows for Data and Assessment and Faculty Developer/Instructional Designers on the ALTs are available in the  Assessment Coordinating Committee SharePoint. You can also view examples from previous cycles.  Click here to watch a video on how to access the samples. 

To find out who your faculty leads are for your areas, contact your dean. 

To learn more about the Assessment Coordinating Committee (ACC) visit their webpage

The  Assessment Coordinating Committee (ACC)  is hosting the Fourth Annual Collegewide Learning Outcomes Symposium on Friday, November 8, 2024. This cross-disciplinary virtual event offers an opportunity to learn about, share, and celebrate successes, challenges, and innovations in the area of learning outcomes assessment. For full attendance at this virtual event 3PD (Faculty Development) will be earned, if eligible. New this year there will be a Thursday night preview session on West Campus in the Center for Teaching Learning Innovation (CTLI) from 6:30pm until 8:00pm. For in person attendance, 1PD will be earned, if eligible.

General Education

Valencia College established General Education Outcomes in 2007 and measures them in course-embedded assessments by discipline.

Communication Skills—

Engage in effective interpersonal, oral, written communication

Critical Thinking—

Effectively analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and apply information and ideas from diverse sources and disciplines

Cultural and Historical Understanding—

Demonstrate understanding of the diverse traditions of the world, and an individual's place in it

Ethical Responsibility—

Demonstrate awareness of personal responsibility in one's civic, social, and academic life

Information Literacy—

Locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from diverse sources

Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning—

Use processes, procedures, data, or evidence to solve problems and make effective decision


General Education Map since 2020

General Education Outcome New Student Experience Communications Humanities Mathematics Sciences Social Sciences

Communication Skills

Yes Yes Yes     Yes
Critical Thinking Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Cultural and Historical Understanding

    Yes     Yes
Ethical Responsibility   Yes       Yes
Information Literacy     Yes      

Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning

      Yes Yes  





For more information about Learning Outcomes Assessment at Valencia College, send your inquiry to LearningOutcomesAssessment@ValenciaCollege.edu

LOA Infographic

Valencia College's Learning Outcomes Assessment cycle launched in Fall 2020 designed with flexibility for faculty. Faculty and deans convened in collegewide collaborative meetings in September. Following these collegewide meetings, each discipline or program established their Assessment Leadership Team (ALT) made up of in-discipline faculty leads, a faculty fellow, a faculty developer/instructional designer, and other relevant consultants. ALTs initiate the review of course outlines and then lead the development of the assessment and improvement plans in collaborative Canvas spaces. The improvement plans generated by the ALTs are presented to the Assessment Coordinating Committee (ACC) for review.

Learn more about Valencia College's Assessment Coordinating Committee (ACC).