
Valencia faculty and staff learn how to register for assessment workshops here:

The Office of Learning Assessment offers workshops for faculty and staff in assessment methods and tools, research methods and protocol, and survey design and data use. We are able to develop customized versions of some workshops specific to your program or content area.

Visit the Faculty Development website for more information:

Please email the Learning Assessment Office if you are interested in scheduling a workshop:

Courses Offered 2016-17 Day/Time
LOBP 3334: Using Rubrics to Create Dialogue - 3 Hours 10/20/17 Osceola Campus 9:00am-12:00pm
4/5/2018 West Campus 1:00pm-4:00pm
Survey Design and Development Using Qualtrics Online - 2 Hours 9/20/17 Osceola Campus 9:00am-11:00am
10/5/17 West Campus 9:00am-11:00am Room 6-118
Survey Data Analysis and Reporting Using Qualtrics Online - 1 Hour 9/20/17 Osceola Campus 11:00am-12:00pm
10/5/17 West Campus 11:00am-12:00pm Room 6-118
Research at Valencia and Institutional Review Board (IRB) Review - 1 Hour 9/20/17 Osceola Campus 11:00am-12:00pm

Course Descriptions

Research at Valencia and Institutional Review Board (IRB) ReviewNew Icon

Interested in conducting research at Valencia? Want to learn more about studies being conducted and how they were reviewed by the IRB? This session will introduce Valencia faculty and staff members to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process. The Board reviews research in compliance with federal regulations required of all colleges and universities. The session will allow us to review its purpose, the process, and the forms, while also discussing some best practices in the design of your own study. This course is helpful for those advising or collaborating with researchers at the college; those developing their own research studies (for example, those in graduate school.) Participants will review the IRB purpose, the process, and the forms, while also discussing some best practices in the design of their own studies.

Survey Design and Development Using Qualtrics OnlineNew Icon

This course has been designed for staff members across the college who would like to develop their own questionnaires and design them for paper or online administration (using the Qualtrics survey tool.) We will explore the most effective practices for survey development drawn from research in the field and principles from the Tailored Design Method (Dillman, 2007.) We will also discuss ways of understanding and communicating your findings through written reports and presentations. The participants should be able to identify and implement effective strategies for developing and administering surveys using the Tailored Design Method (Dillman, 2007.) The participants should be able to design, test, and refine a questionnaire employing effective design and strategies for improving response rate. The participants should be able to analyze their results in Excel and create a report format or presentation to convey key findings and raise related questions for specific audiences.

Survey Data Analysis and Reporting Using Qualtrics OnlineNew Icon

This course has been designed for staff members across the college who already develop their own questionnaires online using the Qualtrics survey tool and want to learn strategies for analyzing and reporting results. This course follows the Survey Design and Development workshop that is also available and provides a helpful introduction to the online tools. Participants will learn how to set up surveys for easier reporting, access and use reporting tools, and they will discover ways of automatically generating and sharing reports.

LOBP3331:  New Icon
Developing Meaningful Assessment Plans: Program and Discipline

Focused on a series of interactive activities, this course will help participants develop essential skills for the program learning outcomes development process.  Participants will work with examples and exercises to develop or contribute to the development of program learning outcomes plans, the collection and analysis of data across courses, and the subsequent creation of program improvement plans. In this interactive working session, faculty members, or groups of faculty members, attending from a specific discipline or program, can develop and enhance their specific assessment plans or improvement plans

Models and Strategies that Work – 2 PD Hours (often scheduled by request)

As a showcase of current and emerging best practices at Valencia, this course will offer examples of models and strategies for learning outcomes assessment drawn from diverse academic disciplines. The session will feature speakers from programs across the college who will share the process they experienced over time along with breakthroughs and lessons learned.

LOBP 3334: 
Using Rubrics to Create Dialogue – 3 PD Hours

This course introduces faculty to the collaborative result of intentionally using rubrics for assessment at the program level. The learning occurs at the cross-section between assessment and curricular design, both of which require dialogue among colleagues. Through the process of developing a rubric participants learn the importance of identifying measurable outcomes. While engaging in discussions of potential actionable results, participants practice making use of assessment of student learning for curricular improvements.

ASMT2910:  Assess Higher Order Thinking:
Multiple Choice Question Development – 3 PD Hours

Faculty members attending will be able to develop, test, and revise multiple choice questions drawing on hands-on activities using examples from Valencia College faculty. Issues of validity including reliability will be included in the conversation.

ASMT3220: Implementing Rubrics for Program Assessment – 3 PD Hours (by request)

This course has been designed as an interactive working session for faculty implementing rubrics for the review of student work across course sections / courses.  Faculty members participating from the same programs will be invited to use their own student work.  The session will cover sampling, inter-rater reliability, norming of review teams, and the consistent application of criteria to student artifacts and assignments for the assessment of program learning outcomes.

SOTL3270:  IRB Requirements and Your Research – 4 PD Hours

Meeting one-hour face-to-face and three hours online, this course will provide an overview of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for all faculty members who are planning to conduct research studies at Valencia College. The online portion of the course will result in nationally-recognized certification from the National Institute of Health (NIH) on protecting human subjects with the expectation it is completed by the 26th of the following month. The online training is self-paced and it is recognized by most institutions of higher education for three years after the date of completion.

SOTL3271: Principles of Good Practice

Principles of Good Practice in Research at Valencia College

 Standards for Scholarship

 Student Perceptions About and Performance in Problem-Based Learning