College Closure: Spring Break
Last Updated: 03/11/2025 10:00 AM

Valencia College will be closed for Spring Break from Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. For general assistance, you can call 407-582-1507. The college will open and resume all services on Monday, March 24.

More Info

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Associate in Science (A.S.)

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate in Science (A.S.) degree at Valencia College is a two-year program that prepares you to go directly into a specialized career in sonography.

If you’re fascinated by the inner-workings of the human body, then you may want to consider becoming a sonographer. Sonographers play a dynamic role in the treatment and care of patients. When a doctor needs to study any of the soft tissue organs of a patient—like the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, thyroid or breast—it is the sonographer who provides the images using high frequency sound waves via ultrasound. You may also get to share in an experience most people remember for a lifetime—providing expectant mothers with their first glimpse of an unborn child—a moment most people remember for the rest of their lives.


Program Overview

Review course descriptions, important dates and deadlines and other programs details in the official college catalog.


Program Length

Program lasts for 6 semesters, after all the pre-admission course requirements have been met.


Alternative Credit

Did you know that you may already be eligible to receive college credit toward this program? You may receive college credit for approved Industry Certifications.


Average Salary & Placement

Valencia's A.S. Degree and Certificate programs placement rate ranges between 90% – 95%. Sonography average salaries ranges from $40,000 - $50,000


Career Center

Explore Health Science related careers, salaries and job listings.


Information Sessions

Attend a Health Sciences Information Sessions for an overview of the limited access Health Science programs at Valencia College and the procedures for enrolling in them.

Admission into Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Important Information

Application Information

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to review the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Admission Guide to confirm all admission requirements are met before applying.    

  • TEAS scores must be less than 2 years old by the application deadline. Review the Admission Guide for admission criteria details.

Application: Available here May 2025

Deadline: May 31, 2025

Begins: Fall 2025

For application questions, please contact us:

Health Sciences Advising

Advising Services

The advising staff can answer program-specific questions, assist in career and educational planning, and offer expert educational guidance for students seeking career opportunities through the completion of an A.S. or B.S. Degree or a Certificate program.

Location, Hours and Contact

Advising and Counseling

Steps for Admission to Program

  • 1Attend a Program Information Session. Please bring a copy of the admission guide for your desired track with you. If you are not local and cannot attend the information session, review the Admission Guide and read the Frequently Asked Questions.
  • 2Apply to Valencia College.
  • 3Complete required general education courses before applying to the program.
  • 4Once your transcripts have been received and evaluated, and if you meet eligibility requirements, you can apply to the program.

Career Outlook

Learn How To

  • Analyze and present diagnostic data for interpretation and diagnosis by the physician
  • Position the patient’s body so that the correct areas can be seen on an ultrasound screen
  • Perform sonograms and record normal anatomy and pathologic data for interpretation

Job Outlook

A variety of exciting career opportunities are available for sonographers. They may work in clinics, physicians’ offices, diagnostic imaging centers, ambulatory care facilities, and hospitals in trauma/emergency and intensive/critical care settings. With rapidly developing new technologies and increased use of diagnostic ultrasound procedures, the sonography profession is projected to continue to grow in the future.

Potential Careers

  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
  • Ultrasound Technologist

Sonography Videos

Valencia's program is one of the best for preparing for a career in sonography.
In this interview, a Sonographer discusses her typical day at work.
Jumpstart Your Sonography Career

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program was first accredited as a one year certificate program for the General learning concentration in 1989. The program matriculated with the first AS degree class in 1990, as part of a cooperative partnership between Valencia College and Orlando Regional Healthcare.

In 1992, the DMS program received its first continuing accreditation for General learning concentration and was granted accreditation.  Diagnostic Medical Sonography remains as an accredited program serving the Central Florida community.

Valencia's program is one of the best for preparing men and women for a career in sonography, by connecting students directly to situations sonographers face today. The program offers real-life lessons to help students build skills and confidence.

Students who complete the program are prepared to take the National Registry Exams and can go on to work as a sonographer and/or pursue higher degrees.

Frequently Asked Questions

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Do I need to be a student at Valencia to apply?

Yes. You must complete the admission process to the college before you submit a Diagnostic Medical Sonography program application. You can apply online or email if you have any questions.


Are the prerequisite courses offered online?

Yes, some are offered online, however the lab science courses have limited offerings and may not be available every term.

Do I have to take all the prerequisites at a particular campus?

No, you may take the prerequisite courses at any Valencia campus location. However, if accepted, Diagnostic Medical Sonography courses are only offered on the West campus.

Will my courses from other colleges transfer to Valencia?

Once you have applied to Valencia, you will need to request official transcripts sent from your previous institution. Transfer courses may need to be reviewed by an Advisor for potential course substitution or equivalency.  Transfer courses may not be equivalent to Valencia Allied Health Program course requirement.  NOTE: Course substitution or equivalency must be on your Valencia record before submitting the program application.

Do I need to take the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) before I apply?

Yes, you must complete the ATI TEAS. The examination fee is your responsibility. More information on the TEAS is available at Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

Can I use ATI TEAS scores from another institution?

Yes. Students who complete the ATI TEAS at another institution must request an official score report from ATI as a paper copy is not accepted. Requests can be made online via  Score report must be available on your Valencia record before submitting the program application.

How many students are accepted into the program?

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program accepts 12 students each Fall term.

What is the dress code policy for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program?

From the program Handbook:

  • Required: Program Scrubs
  • Lab coat or white short scrub jacket must be taken off with direct patient care
  • Scrub attire: Junior students Teal Blue program scrubs; Seniors students Sapphire Blue program scrubs; It is strongly suggested that an undershirt be worn under your top but must not extend beyond the hem of your top. Appropriate undergarments must be worn under the uniform. Undergarments should not be visible through uniforms.
  • Shoes: Should be enclosed heels and toes, slip-proof and enable you to stand for long periods of time. Clean all white or all black nursing-type or athletic shoes with socks.
  • Hair: Clean, neat, and moderately styled. Should be restrained from face; if long, secured behind shoulders in a washable, basic hair restraint(s). No hats, caps or hoodies. Head coverings for religious or cultural reasons are permitted.
  • Fingernails: May not extend beyond fingertips; no nail polish; no artificial nails
  • Jewelry: None
  • Tattoos: If visible, must be covered
  • Perfume/Cologne: Strong perfumes and colognes are not permitted
  • Badge: Valencia College name tag and hospital issued badge: To be worn on the left front of the lab coat. ID's should be clearly visible at all times. No other badges, pins, buttons, or stickers may be worn unless issued and approved by the hospital and/or VC DMS faculty.

*The hospital affiliate dress code, if more stringent than this, must be followed completely. Dress code is subject to change.

What is the schedule like if I am accepted into the program?

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program is a daytime program located on the West campus; the time commitment should be considered the equivalent of a full-time job. In addition to lecture, lab and clinicals, students are expected to study between 15-25 hours a week - if a student chooses to work while in the program, a maximum of 15 hours a week is recommended due to the demands of the program. Time management is crucial to successful program completion! The specific schedule can vary from term to term and from year to year.

Can students accepted into the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program be exposed to blood borne pathogens?

The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program may have clinical experiences that expose the student to blood borne pathogens via contact with bodily fluids such as blood and saliva. Students accepted into the program will be expected to adhere to Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for the use of Standard Precautions. The CDC defines standard precautions as "a set of precautions designed to prevent the transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B virus (HBV), other blood borne pathogens when providing first aid or health care.” Under standard precautions, blood and certain body fluids are considered potentially infectious for HIV, HBV, and other blood borne pathogens. Students will be expected to adhere to hand hygiene protocols and consistent use of personal protective equipment including masks, gloves and eyewear.

What are the body art policies for the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program?

All must be covered when at clinical sites.

How many clinical hours are in the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program and what credential would I be eligible to sit for upon successful completion?

Clinical Practicum hours total to approximately 1488 hours including labs. Graduates of the Diagnostic Medical Sonography program are eligible to sit for the OB/GYN and Abdomen registry exams.

How successful are your Diagnostic Medical Sonography graduates in finding employment?

The five year average Licensure Rate for Diagnostic Medical Sonography graduates is 100% and the five year average Placement Rate for Diagnostic Medical Sonography graduates is 96%.