Union Information

Representation for Part-Time Faculty & Part-Time Instructors

After multiple years of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Florida Public Services Union (FPSU) engaging our part-time faculty and part-time instructors, and by a narrow margin of fewer than 40 votes, on July 2, 2021, Florida’s Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) formally certified SEIU as the exclusive bargaining representative for eligible part-time faculty and part-time instructors.

Since the formal creation of the bargaining unit, Valencia has actively engaged with SEIU in the collective bargaining process in accordance with the rules set by law and our guiding principles, including collaboration and transparency. The College approaches negotiation as a collaborative and educational exercise and keeps in mind the interests of our entire College community – including those College stakeholders who are not part of the bargaining unit – while progressing toward a final agreement.

During this ongoing process, representatives of College leadership and faculty have an opportunity to hear the unique concerns of part-time faculty and part-time instructors as they perform their work. Likewise, SEIU and members of its negotiation team have an opportunity to become better informed about Valencia’s decision-making, existing policies and practices, priorities, and resources.

Status of Bargaining Talks

To date, progress in bargaining has been minimal despite our efforts to encourage the union to provide a comprehensive set of proposals to the College with sufficient time for careful review and response. On June 7, 2022, the College received SEIU’s most recent proposed draft bargaining agreement and is working with SEIU to schedule the next collective bargaining session. 

Proposals submitted by the union have included the following requests:

·       The union is demanding a 19.75% raise for union members. 

·       The union’s first proposal suggested the adoption of an intellectual property ownership provision that is considerably less generous to union members than the College’s current policy regarding such ownership.

Next Steps

This has naturally caused negotiations to become more protracted and delayed. We remain hopeful and committed that through deliberate dialogue, and by our continued requests for comprehensive proposals to be provided with reasonable time for review, we can have substantive conversations, make progress in this process, and ultimately reach our shared goal of outcomes that serve the interests of our entire College community.

To ensure you remain well informed as to the status of these ongoing negotiations, we will periodically update this website with information about progress in the bargaining process.


Union Violation Notice

Florida's Public Employee Relations Commission determined that SEIU violated the law when it organized car caravans to the homes of college employees. The union was ordered to post the following notices on each campus.

Bargaining Timeline

Valencia and SEIU-FPSU Election and Bargaining Chronology of Events

May 19, 2021 -June 16, 2021

Florida’s Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) designates May 19, 2021 through 10:00 a.m. June 16, 2021 as the time for the election by mail to determine whether SEIU-FPSU will be the exclusive bargaining representative for eligible part-time faculty and part-time instructors.

Eligible part-time faculty and part-time instructors receive ballots directly from PERC and participate in the election process by mailing their completed ballots directly to PERC.

July 2, 2021 By a narrow margin of fewer than 40 votes, PERC certifies the election results and by SEIU-FPSU representatives contact Valencia to initiate collective bargaining.
July 29, 2021
After several extensions requested by SEIU-FPSU, PERC holds an evidentiary hearing regarding Valencia’s August 27, 2020 filing of an unfair labor practice charge against SEIU-FPSU.
October 29, 2021
PERC’s Hearing Officer issues recommended order concluding that SEIU-FPSU violated the law and committed an unfair labor practice during the election and campaigning process.

July 2021 -November 2021

In anticipation of bargaining, both Valencia and SEIU-FPSU work to coordinate and communicate appointments of bargaining team representatives. Additionally, Valencia and SEIU-FPSU coordinate scheduling of bargaining meetings and work to establish procedures for how bargaining will occur.
November 19, 2021


Valencia College’s and SEIU-FPSU’s bargaining teams meet for the first time. The parties agree to work together and conduct the bargaining process in a respectful and timely manner to come to an agreement as soon as possible.

At the beginning of the session, SEIU-FPSU distributes hard copies of their proposed draft Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) language to the Valencia team, and provides explanation to proposed articles, as needed. Many segments of the draft proposal are not included or shown as ‘To Be Determined.’

January 13, 2022
SEIU-FPSU cancels the scheduled January 14, 2022 bargaining session.
February 4, 2022

In advance of the scheduled session date, Valencia’s bargaining team provides SEIU-FPSU’s bargaining team with updated CBA language.

During the meeting, SEIU-FPSU provides counter proposals to Valencia’s proposed CBA language and introduces new proposed CBA language not previously seen independent of Valencia’s proposals.

Based on the volume of new information from SEIU-FPSU, Valencia requests additional time to review SEIU-FPSU’s counter proposals. Valencia also requests that SEIU-FPSU provide Valencia with CBA language in advance of the next meeting so that both parties can reasonably prepare to discuss the proposed terms, productively move the bargaining process forward, and come to an agreement as soon as possible.

March 3, 2022

SEIU-FPSU provides Valencia’s bargaining team with new proposed CBA language late in the afternoon on February 25, 2022, approximately three business days prior to the scheduled session.

In consideration of receipt of the new information from SEIU-FPSU, Valencia’s bargaining team spends session time reviewing and discussing the new proposed language. The teams meet and have an engaged discussion, but the meeting adjourns with many substantive matters still unresolved.

March 18, 2022

Valencia provides SEIU-FPSU with counter proposals with time for the union to review prior to the scheduled session.

During the session, Valencia’s bargaining team, as requested by SEIU-FPSU, provides detailed explanations for proposed changes. SEIU-FPSU also distributes new counter proposals to a few articles from the draft CBA agreement. Valencia’s bargaining team caucuses to review new proposals.

To promote productive sessions moving forward, Valencia requests that union proposals be provided to the College reasonably in advance of scheduled meetings to allow sufficient time to review the new proposals. Valencia also requests that no further sessions be scheduled until SEIU-FPSU provides the College full proposals within a reasonable timeframe to allow for substantive review prior to the session.

March 21, 2022

Florida’s Public Employees Relations Commission issues a final ruling finding SEIU-FPSU violated section 447/501(2)(a) F.S. (unfair labor practices) during the election and campaigning process. PERC orders that SEIU-FPSU must inform its unit members of its violation of the law.

April 2022 - June 6, 2022

SEIU-FPSU does not provide Valencia with any updated information or proposals, and no new sessions have been requested/scheduled.

June 7, 2022


SEIU-FPSU provides comprehensive proposed draft collective bargaining agreement to Valencia for review in advance of a future meeting, date TBD.

August 19, 2022

Valencia provides SEIU-FPSU with counter proposals in advance of the next session.

During the session, Valencia’s bargaining team, as requested by SEIU-FPSU, reviews the counter proposals and highlights areas where a tentative agreement has been reached. 

As Valencia and SEIU-FPSU work toward a collectively bargained agreement, SEIU-FPSU agrees to send updated proposals in advance of the next scheduled bargaining session.

October 14, 2022

Valencia distributes draft Tentative Agreements (TA) on certain Articles as discussed by Valencia and the union in prior meetings, and tentatively agrees upon during this most recent meeting. The TAs are reached on the Agreement’s Preamble, and nine Articles which cover mainly routine, non-economic matters such as Recognition, Consultation, General Provisions, No Strike, Union Rights, Management Rights, Waiver, Severability, and Duration. The TAs are affirmed and executed by both bargaining teams at the meeting.

Valencia indicates it would be prepared to provide a comprehensive CBA proposal prior to the next meeting, including economic provisions.

December 9, 2022

As promised, Valencia provides the union with a comprehensive CBA proposal with economic provisions. Following the discussion on the remaining articles, both bargaining teams indicate they are agreeable to non-economic matters such as Union Rights, Grievance and Arbitration procedure, F/T Faculty and Instructor positions, Committee service by college request, and Access to Professional Development.

The union provides a counterproposal to Valencia’s economic provisions of the proposed CBA. The College indicates that it would provide a response to the economic proposal during the next CB meeting.

January 6, 2023

Valencia provides the union with an updated counterproposal which includes economic provisions and minor changes to the proposed CBA. Following a deep discussion and multiple caucuses, the College offers a counterproposal to the economic provisions for union consideration. The union indicates a tentative agreement to terms and indicates that it would take the proposed CBA to their membership for initial review. The union agrees to advise Valencia by January 12, 2023 of its intent for next steps.

January 17 and January 18, 2023

The Service Employees International Union/Florida Public Services Union (SEIU-FPSU) hold an on-campus vote for members of the SEIU bargaining unit (comprised of all eligible Valencia College part-time faculty and part-time instructors) to ratify the collective bargaining agreement as proposed by the College and SEIU. The majority of union members who vote in the two day process vote to ratify the tentative agreement reached between Valencia and the union. The number of bargaining unit members who participate and cast votes was 50, out of the approximately 1,300 part-time faculty and instructors who were eligible to vote.

January 19, 2023

At the District Board of Trustees meeting, the Board approves the  agreement reached between Valencia and the union.

September 15, 2023

Valencia and SEIU-FPSU bargaining teams meet to reopen bargaining conversations. SEIU-FPSU makes six (6) proposals, including a proposed 10.5% wage increase and Valencia coffee table books and tote bags, and Valencia agrees to review all new CBA proposals in advance of the next bargaining meeting. 

December 4, 2023

Valencia and SEIU-FPSU bargaining teams meet to discuss SEIU-FPSU September 15, 2023 proposals. Valencia notifies SEIU-FPSU that Valencia is not moving forward with any of SEIU-FPSU current proposals for an updated CBA, though Valencia informs SEIU-FPSU that coffee table books and tote bags could be discussed separately. Valencia asks SEIU-FPSU for a more reasonable wage proposal, and after caucusing, SEIU-FPSU abandons five (5) of six (6) proposals, and proposes a wage increase of 6.5%. Valencia agrees to take the sole proposal to the DBOT for consideration. 

February 23, 2024

Valencia and SEIU-FPSU bargaining teams from meet on West Campus at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the December 4, 2023 proposals.  Valencia proposes a 1.5% wage increase effective fall 2024. SEIU-FPSU responds with a 4.25% wage increase effective fall 2024. Valencia states it will take the updated proposal to the DBOT for consideration. 

April 22, 2024

Valencia and SEIU-FPSU bargaining teams meet on West Campus at 1:00 p.m. to discuss the February 23, 2024 proposals.  Valencia advises that after conferring with DBOT, a 1.5% wage increase is available to the unit. SEIU-FPSU offers a 1.5% increase effective upon ratification. Valencia remains at a 1.5% increase available to the unit effective fall 2024. The SEIU-FPSU team caucuses and then advises Valencia that that offer was not accepted. The parties broadly discuss SEIU’s filing of recertification paperwork with PERC, which was due on April 24, 2024. The meeting concludes with no agreement having been reached.