Staff Listing

Choose the department below to view the staff.


Name Courses Taught this Term Relevant Academic Degrees and Course Credits Earned Other Qualifications
Muller, Steven A
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
ACG2100C (T) Intermediate Accounting I
TAX2000C (T) Federal Income Tax
M B A Professional Accounting
Fordham University
B A Philosophy
Cathedral Coll/Immaculate Conc
18.00 gsh ACG
Branham, Maureen Daly
(part time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
M B A Business Administration
University of Central Florida
Reed, Stanton Gerard
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
GEB1011 (T) Introduction To Business
M B A Business Administration
Rollins College
B S Accounting & Business Mngmt
Oakwood University AL
12.00 gsh BUS
AC Documents in Personnel file
Gallagher, Keri Lee Heck
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2030C (T) Accounting Capstone
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
M Acct & Fin Mngmt Accounting & Finance
DeVry University
B S Finance
Univ South Florida
Pantoja, Brittney Annette
(part time)
ACG2460C (T) Spreadsheets for Accounting
ACG3024 (U) Acc and Fin Analysis for Mgrs
APA1111C (T) College Accounting
M S Accounting
University of Central Florida
B S Accounting
University of Central Florida
AA General Studies
Valencia College
Cintron-Lorenzo, Nelly Edith
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
ACG2450C (T) Computer Accounting
APA1111C (T) College Accounting
APA2501 (T) Payroll Accounting
M B A Accounting
Inter American University
B S B A Accounting
Univ of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Paxton, Scott P
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
ACG2360C (T) Cost Accounting
M Act Accounting
Stetson University
M B A General Business
University of Phoenix
B A Business Admin-Accounting
Calif St Univ Fullerton
Battiste, Cecil M
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
M Act Accounting
Florida State University
B S Accounting
Florida State University
AA General Studies
Valencia College
Barati, Amelia Macnair Muller
(part time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
M Act Accounting
University of Florida
B S Accounting
University of Florida
Lopez, Patricia Q
(full time)
ACG2030C (T) Accounting Capstone
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
APA1111C (T) College Accounting
M S Business Admin-Accounting
University of Central Florida
B A Accounting
Univ West Florida
34.00 gsh ACG
Bergstein, Aaron David
(part time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
M S Taxation
Long Island University Post
Martin, Walter Lawrence
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
APA1111C (T) College Accounting
M B A Accounting
Clark Atlanta University
B S Business Administration
Northeastern University
Gray, Lisa Melinda
(full time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting
APA1111C (T) College Accounting
M S Accounting
University of Central Florida
B S B A Accounting
University of Central Florida
B S Communication & Political Sci
Florida State University
AA General Studies
Valencia College
Weston, David Graham
(part time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
M B A Business Administration
University of Central Florida
Santos, Noema Eugenia
(part time)
ACG2071C (T) Prin of Managerial Accounting

Tarver, Alisa Kaye
(part time)
ACG2021C (T) Prin of Financial Accounting
M B A Business Administration
Nova Southeastern Univ
B S Accounting
Tuskegee University
A A Liberal Arts
Polk State College
24.00 gsh ACG