Staff Listing

Choose the department below to view the staff.


Name Courses Taught this Term Relevant Academic Degrees and Course Credits Earned Other Qualifications
Lyle, Ann Marie
(full time)
SON1000L (T) Sonography Instructional Lab I
SON1002C (T) Methods of Patient Care
SON2824L (T) Clinical Sonography III
A A S Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Asheville-Buncombe Tech CC
Brunetti, Jerrica Beth
(full time)
SON1000L (T) Sonography Instructional Lab I
SON2121 (T) Ob/Gyn Sonography I
SON2150 (T) Neurosonology/Superfcial Strct
M B A Business
Western Governors University
Quality Management
Valencia College
Mackall, Nadine M
(part time)
SON1000 (T) Intro To Medical Sonography
A S Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Valencia College
AS Diagnostic Med Sonography
Valencia College
A A Leadership
Valencia College
AA General Studies
Valencia College
Amodt, Doungsuda
(part time)
SON2618 (T) Sonographic Physics II
AS Diagnostic Med Sonography
Valencia College
Certification: American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography AC documents in personnel file Letter of Support, Kathy Werndl, Sand Lake Hospital
Nobles, Amber Deanne
(part time)
SON1003L (T) Sonography Practice Lab
AS Diagnostic Med Sonography
Valencia College