Honors Program
Seneff Honors College—designed for people with a passion for learning.
In addition to providing a challenging and in-depth course of study, the Honors Program at Valencia College also emphasizes learning outside of the classroom. International travel, cultural field trips, guest speakers, community service, campus leadership and scientific research are all part of the Honors experience. And, with an average class size of only 15 students, the Honors College has a community feel—one that makes it easy to form great relationships with your fellow students and professors.
Choose Your Track
This track is designed to create citizen scholars—individuals whose action is informed by theory. You develop a working, evolving and individual leadership theory or style. Through campus activities and continued community involvement, you practice leadership principles and learn to identify opportunities to make social change.
Students in this track become familiar with the process, practice, and principles of scholarly inquiry in an academic community.
You complete a discipline-specific research project, and present it in a peer-reviewed, academic setting.
- Exclusive scholarships
- Early course registration
- Graduate with Honors distinction