Tech Express
There’s more than one way to earn a college degree.
Transfer your earned tech credits toward a degree at Valencia College. Tech Express to Valencia College puts you on the fast track to earning your college degree. Your technical college program can earn you college credit and put you closer than ever to an Associate in Science degree from Valencia College. Tech Express to Valencia College can increase your career options and earning potential in less time—saving you time and money. Build on the tech credits you’ve earned. Technically, it’s the smart way to go.
Future Students
Contact a Tech Express Coach
Complete the short request form below to meet with a Tech Express Coach on your campus or visit Tech Express to learn more.
Currently Enrolled Valencia College Students
Contact Your Student Success Coach
A.S. degree programs at Valencia College have an assigned Student Success Coach who can assist you in determining the best education plan for your goals and can help ensure that you get into the right courses. If you are a currently enrolled Valencia College student, have questions regarding this program, and don’t know who your assigned advisor is, please log on to Atlas to contact your assigned Student Success Coach.

Choosing a major that articulates with your technical program is a key to obtaining credits you have earned. For more information about Transfer Agreements, visit Award of Credits.

Contact a Tech Express Coach
Complete the short request form to meet with a Tech Express Coach on your campus or visit Tech Express to learn more.
Contact Your Student Success Coach
Students currently enrolled in an A.S. degree programs at Valencia College have an assigned Student Success Coach who can assist you in determining the best education plan for your goals and can help ensure that you get into the right courses. If you are a currently enrolled Valencia College student, have questions regarding this program, and don’t know who your assigned advisor is, please log on to Atlas to contact your assigned Student Success Coach.