Policies and Procedures

Welcome to the Valencia College Policies and Procedures web site. All Board approved policies and related procedures can be viewed here. You may search policies and procedures for specific words or terms by using the search box. Each policy is in PDF format for easy printing, saving and viewing.

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You may search policies and procedures for specific words or terms by using the search box. Each policy is in PDF format for easy printing, saving and viewing.

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Volume 1 - Governance

1 01 Organization Authority and Location
1 02 General
1 03 Meetings of the District Board of Trustees
1 04 Rules of Procedure for Meetings of the District Board of Trustees
1 05 Officers and Their Duties
1 06 The President of the College
1 07 Valencia College Wide Faculty Association
1 08 College Strategic Planning
1 09 Policy Development Review and Approval
1 10 Policy Against Improper Activities Whistleblower Protection
1 11 Indemnification
1 12 Educational Affordability
1 13 Review Amendment Governance Policies

Volume 2 - Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity

2 01 Discrimination Harassment Related Conduct
2 02 Workplace Accommodations for Applicants and Employees
2 03 Animals on Campus
2 04 Aids and Hiv
2 07 Substitute Admission and Graduation Requirements for Students with Disabilities
2 08 Accommodation of Religious Observances by Students

Volume 3a - Human Resources, General Employment

3a 05 Substitute Professors
3a 08 Unpaid Internships
3a 09 Volunteers

Volume 3b - Human Resources, Recruitment & Selection

3b 02 Pre Employment Screening and Inprocessing of New Employees
3b 03 Recruitment Selection and Hiring of Employees

Volume 3c - Human Resources, Hours of Work, Compensation, Retirement and Benefits

3c 01 Total Rewards Compensation and Hours of Work for Employees of the College
3c 01.2 Workload for Professors
3c 01.5 Work Assignments and Compensation During Emergencies Disasters and Other Extraordinary and Adverse Work Conditions
3c 02 Flexible Work Arrangements for Non Instructional Employees
3c 04 Total Rewards Recognition of Full Time Employees for Educational Advancement
3c 04.2 Credit for Prior Experience and Service at the College on the Instructional Salary Schedule
3c 06.1 Contracts for Instructional Executive and Administrative Employees
3c 07 Employee Dependent and Program Development Funds
3c 08 Total Rewards Employee Benefits
3c 10 Time of Service for Work Credit
3c 11 Retirement Programs
3c 14 401 a Qualified Retirement Plan
3c 15 403 B Qualified Retirement Plan

Volume 3d - Human Resources, Leave

3d 02 Leaves of Absence
3d 03 Total Rewards Vacation Sick and Personal Leave for Full Time Employees
3d 05 Sick Leave Pool
3d 06.1 Family and Medical Leave
3d 06.1.1 Paid Parenting Leave for Full Time Employees
3d 06.2 Fitness for Duty
3d 06.3 Workers Compensation and Illness or Injury in Line of Duty Leave
3d 09 Court Related Leave
3d 10 Military Leave
3d 11 Total Rewards Education and Professional Development for Staff and Administrators
3d 12 Total Rewards Sabbatical Leave for Full Time Tenured Faculty
3d 13 Domestic Violence Leave
3d 14 Paid Time off for Part Time Faculty Teaching Academic Credit Programs

Volume 3e - Human Resources, Standards for Performance and Conduct; Evaluation, Disciplinary Actions; Dispute Resolution Procedures

3e 01 Full Time Employee Performance Evaluations
3e 02 Award of Tenure and Evaluation of Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty
3e 03 Issuance of Annual Contracts to Instructional Personnel Otherwise Entitled to a Continuing Contract
3e 04 Acceptance by All Employees of the Policies of the College
3e 05.2 Ethical Conduct and Performance
3e 05.3 Extra College Employment and Activities
3e 06 Student Loan Code of Conduct
3e 08 Disciplinary Action
3e 09 Employee Dispute Resolution

Volume 3f - Human Resources, Separation and Termination from Employment

3f 01 Employment Separations and Exit Process
3f 02 Terminal Pay for Full Time Employees
3f 03 Suspension Dismissal Return to Annual Contract or Non Renewal of Contracts
3f 04 Reductions in Force or Consolidation or Reduction in Program Continuing Contract Instructional Personnel
3f 05.2 Abandonment of Position

Volume 4 - Curriculum and Instruction

4 01 Accreditation
4 02 Academic Freedom
4 03 Research by Faculty
4 04 Course Competencies and Student Outcomes
4 05 Collegewide Course Outline Syllabus
4 06 Award of Credit
4 07 Academic Progress Course Attendance and Grades and Withdrawals
4 09 Instructional Materials
4 10 Materials Required of Students
4 12 Speakers or Guests
4 13 Field Trips
4 14 Deletion of Courses Not Taught for Five Years
4 16 Award of Degrees and Certificates

Volume 5 - General Administrative

5 01.1 Calendar
5 01.2 Schedule of Classes
5 02 Speech Expression and Commercial Activity on College Property
5 04 Student Faculty and Staff Child Care Services
5 05 Vehicle Use for College Business
5 06 Institutional Membershi
5 07 Contracts
5 08 Travel by Authorized Personnel
5 09.1 Copyright and Trademark Ownershi
5 09.2 Educational Work Products
5 10 1 No Preferences in Procurement
5 10 Procurement Requirements for Commodities and Services
5 10.1 No Preferences in Procurement
5 11 College Property Control
5 13 Signatures

Volume 6 - Fiscal

6 01.1 Receipt and Deposit of Funds
6 01.2 Bank Depositories
6 04 Expenditures of Funds for Auxiliary Enterprises and Undesignated Gifts
6 05 Auxiliary Enterprises
6 06 Student Activity Fee Expenditures
6 07 Budget Amendments
6 08.1 Student Fees and Refunds
6 08.2 College Preparatory and College Level Credit Course Repeat Fees
6 09 Event Admission Prices
6 10 Scholarships
6 11.1 Collection of Loans Va Deferments and Other Student Accounts Receivable
6 11.2 Collection of Returned Checks
6 13.1 Collection of Money from Students
6 13.2 Waiver of Fees for Persons 60 Years of Age and Older

Volume 7a - Information Technology

7a 02 Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
7a 03 Computer Hardware and Software Standards
7a 04 Online Privacy Access and Security
7a 05 User Authentication Requirements

Volume 7b - Records Management

7b 01 Preservation and Disposal of Records
7b 02 Student Records
7b 03 Financial Records and Reports
7b 04 Financial Information Security

Volume 8 - Students

8 01 Academic Standards of Satisfactory Progress
8 02 Admissions
8 03 Student Code of Conduct
8 05 Housing
8 06 Residency
8 07 Student Clubs and Organizations
8 08 Student Loans and Financial Ai
8 09 Requirement of Health Insurance for International Students
8 10 Student Academic Dispute and Administrative Complaint Resolution
8 11 Academic Integrity
8 12 Hazing

Volume 9 - Advancement

9 01 The Valencia College Foundation Inc
9 02 Gifts to the College
9 05 College Publications
9 06 Grant Funding

Volume 10 - Campus Safety and Security

10 01 Reporting Incidents or Injuries
10 02 Trespass Warning Arrest
10 04 Firearms and Weapons on College Property and at College Events
10 05 Smoking Regulations
10 07 Parking and Vehicle Traffic
10 07.2 Non Motorized Vehicles on Campus
10 08 Drug Free Campuses and Workplace
10 09 Child Abuse Reporting

Volume 11 - Campus Facilities

11 01 Physical Plant Maintenance and Sanitation
11 03 Key Control
11 05 Selecting Professional Services
11 06 Pre Qualification of Contractors for Educational Facilities Construction
11 07 Changes in Construction After Award of Contract
11 08.1 Temporary Use of Rooms or Campus Facilities
11 08.2 College Facilities Non College Use O