Self Exploration
Trying to navigate which career path might be best suited for you?
Develop awareness about your personality traits, interests, skills, and values in order to make better decisions about your future. Take the next step towards your career goals.
Contact the Career Center to discuss your career assessment options and results.
Click below to learn more about available career assessments.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Discover how your personality preferences can influence your career path.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment that helps you to identify your work preferences and better understand and appreciate differences between people. Knowing your personality type can help you to identify ideal work environments that are a good fit for you and get started developing a career plan. This assessment is available for a small fee.
For more information, Contact the Career Center

Strong Interest Inventory
Learn about your career-related interests.
The Strong Interest Inventory is a career assessment that focuses on your likes and dislikes across six different interest areas. Your printed report will compare your interests with those of working professionals and help you identify potential job fields you would enjoy. This assessment is available for a small fee.
For more information, Contact the Career Center

Skillscan/Knowdell Skills Card Sorts
Identify your work-related skills with these hands-on assessments.
Knowdell Skills Card Sorts are a card deck that allows you to identify and organize work-related skills for career preparation, resume writing, or job interviews. Skillscan is an additional card deck that allows you to identify your skills and connect them with interest areas. These career tools are not available on every campus.
For more information, Contact the Career Center

Values Card Sorts/Values Inventory
Identify your work-related values with these assessments.
Knowdell Values Card Sorts are a card deck that helps you to identify and organize your work-related values. Knowing your values can help you make better career decisions. These career tools are not available on every campus. The Values Inventory quickly helps you identify and reflect on what is important in your work life.
For more information, Contact the Career Center

Clifton StrengthsFinder
Discover your top five themes of talent.
By identifying and developing your talents you can focus more on your strengths than
on your weaknesses. This can lead to greater academic and professional achievement.
More information about the 34 themes of talent.
Discover your top five themes of talent. To purchase your access code to the StrengthsFinder assessment to visit

A comprehensive career assessment and job search tool that is available to all Florida residents.
Career assessments that are available include interests, skills, and values. Great for high school students or people interested in changing careers.
Create your free account at