Frequently Asked Questions

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Title IX Sexual Misconduct FAQs

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Discrimination or Harassment FAQs

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Do I have to report this to the police?
Contacting local law enforcement and/or Valencia Security is always an option available to reporting parties/complainants. Should you choose to speak with a member of the Equal Opportunity team regarding an incident, the college can assist you, at your request, in connecting with Valencia security and/or local law enforcement. Please note that should the College be made aware of reported child abuse or neglect, the College may have an obligation to report as per college policy and Florida state statute.

How many people am I going to have to talk to?
We make every effort to minimize the amount of times that a reporting party and/or complainant needs to describe what took place. Our process strives to identify a single point of contact from the Equal Opportunity team that upon receipt of a report/complaint, serves as the initial point of contact and will likely be the individual to conduct any review, assessment and/or investigation. Complainants who proceed through a Title IX Hearing will be required to also engage in the hearing, which means providing information to the Title IX Hearing Officer and responding to questions asked through the respondent’s Title IX Advisor.

What is the difference between reporting to Valencia Security and local law enforcement? 
All reporting parties/complainants have the opportunity to report their concerns to Valencia Security. Valencia's Security team is a resource to discuss situation that may involve safety and security concerns on campus, though it is important to note that Valencia Security is not a law enforcement agency. Valencia's Security team, however, does have partnerships with local law enforcement agencies, including law enforcement presence on our campuses. At your request, Valencia Security can help facilitate connecting with the appropriate agency. 

Please note, at the Downtown Campus, the UCF Police Department is onsite and responsible for the safety and security of the campus.  As UCF PD is a sworn law enforcement agency, their response may be different than Valencia’s Security.

Please note that should the college be made aware of reported child abuse or neglect, the college may have an obligation to report as per college policy and Florida state statute.

Do I have to report to police and security? 
Reporting parties/complainants have a variety of reporting options available to them, including but not limited to Valencia Security, local law enforcement, and the College’s Equal Opportunity team.  Reporting parties/complainants are not required to report an incident to security or law enforcement, however, this remains an option.  The Equal Opportunity team can discuss these options with a reporting party/complainant in order to help make an informed decision about reporting.

Can I report information on behalf of someone else?
You may report information for someone else. The College, however, may be limited in the support we are able to provide without speaking directly to the complainant, who is the person directly affected by the incident.



Does Valencia College have a victim/survivor advocate?
Valencia partners with the Victim Service Center of Central Florida that offers a 24-hour helpline that provides victim/survivor advocates who can be with the complainant through all steps of the process. Also, Harbor House of Central Florida provides a 24-hour hotline for victims/survivors of domestic/dating violence. They also provide safe shelter, legal advocacy, injunctions and relocation assistance.

Victim Service Center 24-hour helpline: 407-500-4325

Harbor House of Central Florida 24-hour confidential crisis hotline: 407-886-2856 

What protective supportive measures are available?
The college can consider supportive measures that involve academic classes, no-contact orders and transportation accommodation requests from the complainant. These requests should be made through the Title IX coordinator/deputy coordinator. Efforts will be made to honor these requests, whenever possible.

Where can I obtain a forensic medical exam?
The Victim Service Center of Central Florida is a 24-hour helpline and victim/survivor advocate at 211 East Michigan Ave. Suite 210, Orlando, FL 32806. They provide forensic evidence collection by a sexual assault nurse examiner in a private facility offered in a home-like environment. While no one is required to get this exam, we encourage the complainant to be seen by a health professional if they have been the victim of sexual assault or other forms of violence.

Victim Service Center 24-hour helpline: 407-500-4325

What are interim protective measures? 
Interim Protective Measures are temporary actions taken by the College to ensure equal access to its educational programs and activities and foster a stable and safe environment during the process of reporting, investigation, and/or resolution. These actions are designed, as appropriate, to restore or preserve access to education without unreasonably burdening any party and are intended to be non-disciplinary and non-punitive. As determined to be appropriate in the sole discretion of the College, these measures may be applied or modified at any time to ensure the health and safety of involved parties.

Examples include, but are not limited to, class or work schedule modifications and no contact orders. 

Where can I obtain a forensic medical exam?
For any concerns being investigated in accordance with the College’s Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct policy, both complainants and respondents have the right to be assisted by an Title IX Advisor (the Title IX Advisor may not be a witness to the situations being reviewed). The Title IX Advisor is a silent and non-participating person who solely observes and provides support during the investigation process.

For those situations being investigated as Title IX Sexual Misconduct, the role of the Title IX Advisor is expanded during a Title IX Hearing process. To participate in a Title IX Hearing, both the complainant and respondent must have a Title IX Advisor, who is an individual (who may be but is not required to be an attorney) selected by either the complainant or respondent and is permitted to participate in the Title IX Sexual Misconduct processes, to conduct cross-examination during a live hearing. Outside of cross-examination during a live hearing, the role of the Title IX Advisor’s during any meetings is to serve as a silent and nonparticipating person who solely observes and provides support.



Is my family going to be called?
No. However, the college can assist you with notifying supportive individuals, should you choose to do so. Complainants under the age of 18, however, may be subject to additional disclosures, if the allegation involves possible child abuse and/or neglect. If you have questions regarding this disclosure, please contact the Title IX coordinator.

Why can’t the college guarantee confidentiality?
A complainant may request that his/her name not be disclosed to alleged respondents, or that no investigation or disciplinary action be pursued to address the discrimination or disciplinary action, particularly in cases of sexual violence. Although the College will work with a complainant to support issues of privacy and confidentiality, there are situations in which the College may need to override a request for confidentiality in order to meet its obligations. These instances will be limited, and the information will be maintained in a secure manner and will only be shared with individuals who are responsible for handling the college’s response to the incident of misconduct. In the rare situation that the college needs to disclose information when requests have been made for confidentiality, both the complainant and the respondent will be notified.

Processes and Procedures

Who can explain to me the college’s response?
The Assistant Vice President, Human Resources who is the College’s Title IX Coordinator, or a member of the Equal Opportunity team will be able to meet with the complainant to talk about options, assistance, available on and off-campus resources, the college’s response, and any other questions that may be asked. The complainant is strongly encouraged to meet with the above listed individuals to get their questions answered, including engaging in a discussion before the complainant details any specific allegations or incident.

What if I've been accused? 
The respondent should review the information included in policy 6Hx28:2-01 which describes the procedures for how the college will respond. You will be offered an opportunity to meet with The Assistant Vice President, Human Resources and the College’s Title IX Coordinator, or a member of the Equal Opportunity team to discuss the process, have your questions answered and be able to provide information regarding the allegations.

What does the process look like?
The process is outlined in detail in the Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct policy 6Hx28:2-01. It is a non-adversarial process in which the College attempts to determine the facts of the report and take the necessary follow up action. It is not a criminal process and does not include the participation or judges or juries. Attorneys may serve as advisors, however, their role is not that of an attorney acting in a court of law. Their role is limited and additional information can be found by reviewing the above policy.

Why can't my lawyer represent me in the process? Ultimately, the College’s process is an educational process and the respondent is not entitled to representation by an attorney or another party. Attorneys can serve as “advisors” (see definition in policy 6Hx28:2-01) who can advise their client but do not play active roles in the college’s process. In cases involving Title IX Sexual Misconduct, attorneys can serve as Title IX Advisors during the live hearing for the purpose of cross-examination. If attorneys have questions regarding this expectation, they should contact the college’s General Counsel Office at 407-582-3450.

What are some protective measures that may be taken?When students are accused of misconduct, they may be subject to interim action pending the outcome of the College’s disciplinary process. These include, but are not limited to, emergency suspension from the college, removal from an academic class, restriction from being on campus, restriction from entering a specific building or a specific area of campus, and no-contact with the complainant or others involved in the complaint. When faculty or staff are accused of misconduct, they may be subject to interim action pending the outcome of the College’s process. These include, but are not limited to, leave of absence (voluntary or involuntary), or college-imposed leave or separation.

Why am I being punished before my case has been reviewed?
At times, due to the nature of the allegation, it is essential for the College to take immediate action to protect the safety of the campus community. This could include involuntary leave or suspension from the College for students, administrative leave with pay for employees, and/or other interim action. This action is interim and pending the outcome of the College’s process. The immediate and interim action is not a punishment and should not be viewed as such. Every effort will be made so as not to disrupt the academic or work environment while the college reviews the complaint.

What if I am not happy with the outcome?
Valencia College policy 6Hx28:2-01 outlines the appeal process.

What about retaliation against complainants, respondents, or involved parties?  
The College will take action against any individual or group of individuals who retaliate against a complainant or any other party involved in a report of discrimination, harassment, or related misconduct – including sexual misconduct and Title IX Sexual Misconduct.  Often times, no-contact orders are issued to both the respondent and the complainant to inform them that they are to have no contact with the other party. This includes, but is not limited to, in-person, via telephone, email, social media, or having others contact the complainant or other parties on his/her behalf. Individuals who believed they have been subject to retaliation are encouraged to contact the Equal Opportunity team as soon as possible so that the College can address the concern in a timely manner.


Possible Criminal/Civil Action

What if I have a pending court case?
Respondents with pending court cases are encouraged to contact their attorney to discuss their individual situation. The College's process will proceed independently of a criminal court case and is not dependent on the decision from the court with regards to cases of misconduct.

What if the court or police dismiss my case?
The College's process is separate from any concurrent or pending charges through the court system. The final results of a police investigation and/or a criminal proceeding do not impact the College's process.


Welcoming Practices
Are there private spaces on campus for students and employees to express breast milk?
Yes, for more information on lactation spaces or how to request access to a lactation space in advance of your next visit to campus, please contact the ODHR Leave and Access Team at and a member of our team will follow up with access information.

I don’t identify with my biological sex, which restrooms on campus can I use?
There are single stall restrooms available on many of our campuses if you are not comfortable using the restroom that aligns with your biological sex. For more information on the location(s) of these restrooms please contact Leave and Access at or  Equal Opportunity at

Are there spaces on campus for me to exercise my religious observances and practices, such as prayer or meditation?
Yes, for more information about available spaces, please visit the Prayer Spaces section in the Official College Catalog. Employees may also contact the Organizational Development and Human Resources team at or call the HR4U helpline at 407-299-5000, extension HR4U (4748).

Who can I contact if I need accommodations due to my religious practice or holy day?
The College reasonably accommodates the religious observance, practice, and belief of students by providing them reasonable alternatives means to carry out their responsibilities as students. At the beginning of each term, the student should submit a statement identifying their sincerely held religious belief, notifying the faculty/instructor of any date(s) of observance that may conflict with attending or participating in class related activities.

Students may direct their questions to Ryan Kane, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources at 407-582-3421 or

Employees requesting accommodations for religious observances or practices may contact the Organizational Development and Human Resources team at or call the HR4U helpline at 407-299-5000, extension HR4U (4748).

Who can I contact if I need accommodations due to a disability?
The College provides equal opportunity for educational and employment opportunities for all individuals without regard to any temporary or long-term disability protected under applicable laws.

To learn more about eligibility requirements and the accommodation request process, students should visit The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)

For employees and/or job applicants needing to request accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), please contact the ODHR Leave and Access Team at 

What services does the college provide for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing?
The College delivers professional interpreting and speech-to-text services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. 

To obtain information on how to request these services, students should contact  The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD).  

Employees and/or job applicants needing to request professional interpreting or speech-to-text services should contact the ODHR Leave and Access Team at 

I want to be called by my nickname or a name that is not my legal name, what do I do?
The College supports every individual’s decision to be called by their preferred name.

Students may request to have a preferred name added by completing the following:

·       Log into Atlas

·       Click on the Students tab

·       Find the Student Forms section

·       Click on Admissions and Records

·       Click on Change of Personal Information Form

·       On the form click Name Change and enter your preferred name on the form

For students, the preferred name will appear in Canvas, Outlook, and Atlas.

In addition, graduating students can indicate on their graduation application a preferred name to appear on their diploma.  Please note preferred name indicated on the graduation application will only update the name on the diploma, all other graduation and College records will have the student’s legal name.

Employees may request to have a preferred name added by sending an email to

For employees, the preferred name will appear in the employee directory and in software such as Outlook, Skype, Teams, etc. The addition of a preferred name will not change your email address or log in information.

Please note that documents such as W-2’s, College transcripts, and other official documents are required to utilize your legal name and cannot be replaced by your preferred name unless a legal name change is completed and documentation is submitted.

Students and employees may also have their preferred name listed on Valencia identification. Those requesting a preferred name on Valencia identification should contact