Know where to turn. There are people who will listen. Who will act. Who can help. If you witness or are affected by abuse or harassment, there are dedicated resources available to you. Be the one to take a stand against violence by reporting it.
Reporting Options
This page includes information on Valencia College’s Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct policy including steps for submitting a report or a formal complaint regarding Title IX Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Sexual Harassment, Title IX Sexual Assault, Title IX Interpersonal Violence and, Title IX Stalking) and filing a concern of discrimination and/or harassment. We encourage you to carefully read the information below before submitting a report or a formal complaint.
If you have any questions regarding this information or the College’s response to allegations of discrimination or harassment, we invite you to contact a member of the Equal Opportunity team at equalopportunity@valenciacollege.edu.
As outlined in College Policy 6Hx28:2-01-Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct, Valencia College is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity for all students and staff. We provide equal opportunity for employment and educational services to all individuals as it relates to admission to the College or to programs, any aid, benefit, or service to students or wages and other terms, conditions or privileges of employment, without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, religion, disability, marital status, sex/gender, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, pregnancy and any other factors prohibited under applicable federal, state, and local civil rights laws, rules, and regulations.
Valencia College, in accordance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, is committed to ensuring that current and future students, faculty, and staff are not discriminated against based on sex and has defined Title IX Sexual Misconduct in College Policy 6Hx28:2-01-Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct.
We strongly encourage all members of our College community to seek support for and report all sex discrimination and sexual misconduct to the college's Title IX Coordinator, or any named Title IX Deputy Coordinator. The roles and responsibilities of these individuals are to assist in removing the misconduct, preventing its recurrence, and addressing the effects. All complaints, regardless of where reported, will be relayed to and evaluated by the College’s Title IX Coordinator.
For more information and to report allegations of discrimination, harassment, or Title IX sexual misconduct, employees and students can contact the following individuals:
Ally Miller
Director, Equal Opportunity
Ryan Kane
Assistant Vice President, Human Resources,
Title IX Coordinator
Section 504 Coordinator
Title IX Sexual Misconduct
For information on how to submit a report or a formal complaint regarding Title IX Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Sexual Harassment, Title IX Sexual Assault, Title IX Interpersonal Violence, and Title IX Stalking).
All Other types of Discrimination or Harassment
For information on how to submit a report regarding all other types of Discrimination or Harassment based on a protected status.