College Access
Valencia College will work with community partners to ensure that, by 2030, 80% of Orange and Osceola County high school graduates of each race and ethnicity will attend a post-secondary institution – including vocational or technical school, college or university – in the year following high school graduation.
Education matters — now more than ever. That’s because the job opportunities available now and the jobs being created in the future will demand some kind of education or training after high school. After the Great Recession of 2007-2009, 95% of the jobs created went to people with some college education. Today, the 10 fastest growing jobs in Florida require degrees and certificates beyond a high-school education. For a healthy economy and a healthy future, Central Florida needs workers with skills that employers value — whether that’s a trade, certifications, or a college degree.
2030 College Access Goal
Percentage of Students Enrolled in Postsecondary Institution in Year Following High School Graduation Disaggregated by Race/Ethnicity.

Orange County
For the high-school graduating class of 2017, going to college – or a trade or technical school – was not universal. In Orange County, 72.2% of high school graduates headed to a college, university or technical school.

Osceola County
In Osceola County, 65.2% of graduates opted for college, university or technical school training. By comparison, the average “college-going rate” in the state of Florida is 69.9%.
Student Stories

Dalton Joseph came to Valencia College with one goal: to beat the odds.

From struggling as a math student to a bachelor's degree graduate on a management track, Marc Aristide credits Valencia's small classes and personal attention with helping him succeed.

Angela Murphy spent most of her adult life working in a dental office, making little more than minimum wage. But when she decided to go to college, she discovered it wasn’t too late to live her dreams.