Career Credentials
By 2030, Valencia College students will earn 12,000 high-quality workforce credentials each year. These credentials will include A.S., B.A.S., and B.S. degree completions, accelerated skills training and postsecondary adult vocational certificate (PSAV) completions, and qualifying technical certificate completions. To factor in expected changes in demographics, we would expect at least 50% of these credentials to be awarded to Hispanic students and at least 25% to be awarded to Black students.
As the nation’s economy changes, the skills and credentials that employers are seeking change as well. Today, more than half of all job openings require what are called “middle skills,” technical skills acquired through technical certificates or industry-based certification programs. At Valencia College, we partner with more than 600 business and industry advisory panel members to learn what types of training, skills and degree programs are needed to ensure that Central Florida’s workforce is strong and vibrant. From health care to construction, from information technology to public safety training, the college offers a wide variety of options for workforce education.
2030 Career Credentials Goal
Number of High Quality Credentials Earned Annually Disaggregated by Race/Ethnicity

Student Stories

From firefighter to surgical resident, Warren Evans credits Valencia College for sparking his love for learning.

Behind the Bay: Metallica Scholar finds empowerment through welding.

After leaving military service, Geovanny Perez studied cybersecurity and computer forensics at Valencia. Now he's helping to catch bad guys, using his computer detective skills.