Transfer Success
By 2030, 65% of students of each race and ethnicity who earn an A.A. or A.S. degree from Valencia College and enroll in a baccalaureate degree program at the University of Central Florida or Valencia College will earn their bachelor’s degree within four years of starting a baccalaureate degree program.
With the creation of DirectConnect to UCF® in 2006, Valencia College became a national leader in transfer success — giving students who earn a degree at Valencia guaranteed admission to the University of Central Florida. But the measure of a great college is how well that college has prepared its students to succeed at the next level.
2030 Transfer Success Goal
Percentage of Students Completing UCF or Valencia Baccalaureate Degree within Four Years of Matriculating After Completing AA or AS Disaggregated by Race/Ethnicity.

Student Stories

Charlene Singh
With plans to go to medical school, Charlene Singh was careful not to accumulate debt as an undergraduate. So she started at Valencia College, where she excelled, and transferred to UCF. She got more help with her college costs after she won a scholarship worth up to $40,000 a year.

Lietsel Richardson
Valencia College’s small, tight-knit engineering program gave Lietsel Richardson the chance to participate in hands-on projects and make a lot of friends also intent on becoming engineers. The experience also taught her not to be afraid to change direction. Today, Lietsel’s working on her doctorate in biomedical engineering.

Angel Sanchez
As a teenager, Angel Sanchez was sentenced to 30 years in prison. Now, after graduating from Valencia College, UCF and the University of Miami School of Law at the top of his class, Angel continues to be a vocal advocate for incarcerated teens and adults.