IRB Forms


  • If you are a Valencia College employee: 

1. Please take the Key Questions Checklist survey online to determine if you need to complete the IRB application.

2. If you need to submit an IRB application, then download and review the Valencia College  IRB-Overview and Application Package before submitting the IRB application. It includes an example of the application form. Please read the IRB overview below before applying.

Note:  Please do not apply until you have all of your materials ready for review in the final form. We are no longer accepting the prior application forms in Word or PDF. Applications must be made using the online form, responding to each question asked in the online form.

3. After you read the IRB Overview and Application Package, click here to submit an IRB application. Once you submit your IRB application, your Valencia supervisor/ sponsor will be asked to sign  this form. 

 If you are a student, you should not be completing this process. Please contact your instructor to discuss this.

  •  If you are not a Valencia employee: 

1. Please follow the steps  here needed to get approval for the study if you have not already.

2. If you need to submit an IRB application, download and review the Valencia College  IRB-Overview and Application-Package before submitting the IRB application. It includes an example of the application form. 

Note: Please do not apply until you have all of your materials ready for review in the final form. We are no longer accepting the prior application forms in Word or PDF. Applications must be made using the online form, responding to each question asked in the online form.

3. After you read the IRB Overview and Application Package, click here to submit an IRB application. Once you submit your IRB application, your Valencia supervisor/ sponsor will be asked to sign  this form.

  •  For Continuing Researchers

If you are a researcher who has already submitted an application and received full or expedited review, please contact our office if you need to request or report any of the following:

  • An Addendum/ Modification request to your IRB application.
  • An Adverse Event/ Unanticipated problem, including increased risk.
  • A request for Continuing Review/ Termination.
  • Participant Withdrawal/ Complaint.


If you are interested in the procedures we follow when reviewing a proposal, please  click here. If you would like to see the checklist we follow when determining whether an application is exempt, please check out our  Revised Common Rule Checklist. Check the  flowchart adapted from the Department of Health and Human Services if you would like to see the questions that are asked to determine IRB review decisions.

(IRB) Work Request

Submit an Institutional Review Board (IRB) Work Request

If you are an employee, please create a work request to communicate with the office about your request and track your application. Read the steps on the "forms" page and submit your application there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for an overview of the IRB role and answers to related questions.

Learn More

See Sample Consent Forms and other examples

 IRB Sample Forms


Note: If you are a researcher who would like to conduct research at the Downtown campus in collaboration with University of Central Florida (UCF), then you need to complete  this template and submit an application for review by the UCF IRB. If you have questions about this process, please contact us.