Resources for Essential Competencies
Teaching is a profession defined by essential competencies that develop from the changing needs of our educational community. These changes emerge organically from the community of scholars, practitioners, students, and others we serve. At Valencia, we have defined seven Essential Competencies that were developed by our academic community of deans and faculty. These competencies serve as the foundation of our ongoing development as teachers, counselors and librarians. Over the course of an entire career, faculty members continually develop their expertise in these essential competencies.
Faculty Development and the Teaching/Learning Academy support all faculty members as they expand their professional practices, examine their ongoing development of the Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator, and engage in continuous improvement processes that result in student learning. As such, these seven Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator form the foundation of all of our faculty development opportunities.
Assessment as a Tool for Learning
Valencia educators will develop student growth through consistent, timely formative and summative measures, and promote students' abilities to self-assess. Assessment practices will invite student feedback on the teaching and learning process as well as on student achievement.
The faculty member will:
- Design and employ a variety of assessment measures and techniques, both formative and summative, to form a more complete picture of learning (e.g., classroom assessment techniques, authentic assessments, oral presentations, exams, student portfolios, journals, projects, etc.)
- Design activities to help students refine their abilities to self-assess their learning
- Employ formative feedback to assess the effectiveness of teaching, counseling, and librarianship practices
- Employ formative feedback loops that assess student learning and inform students of their learning progress
- Communicate assessment criteria to students and colleagues
- Give timely feedback on learning activities and assessments
- Evaluate effectiveness of assessment strategies and grading practices
- Align formative and summative assessments with learning activities and outcomes
- " The Concept of Formative Assessment" by Carol Boston of the Center for the Study of Assessment Validity and Evaluation at the University of Maryland provides a scholarly definition of formative assessment, its benefits and examples of formative assessment.
- Formative Assessment. Glossary of Educational Reform.
- Summative Assessment. Glossary of Educational Reform.
- "Assessment Basics" from the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence at Carnegie Mellon University. Includes topics such as "Aligning Assessments with Objectives" (aka learning ) and "Assessing Your Teaching." Also includes examples of CATs and rubrics.
- "AAC & U VALUE rubrics" Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education from the Association of American Colleges and Universities.
- " Selecting Methods of Assessment" from the Oxford Brookes University lists assessment methods organized by learning outcomes.
- " Critical Incident Questionnaire" by Stephen Brookfield from Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher is a classic student input assessment tool to gather feedback on classroom climate.
- "Assessment Resources: Sample Rubrics" from Winona State University is a metasite with links to examples from a variety of disciplines and learning activities.
- The Authentic Assessment Toolbox by Jonathan Mueller is a one-stop center for all things related to authentic assessment, including explanations, research, and examples.
- 14 Rules for Writing Multiple Choice Questions, Penn State University Center for Teaching & Learning.
Professional Organizations & Conferences:
- design and support learning experiences that address students' unique strengths and/or needs
- diversify the curricular and/or co-curricular activities to increase the presence of historically underrepresented groups
- use diverse perspectives to engage and deepen critical thinking
- create a learning atmosphere with respect, understanding, and appreciation of individual and group differences
- challenge students to identify and question their assumptions and consider how these affect, limit, and/or shape their viewpoints
- ensure accessibility of course content in alignment with federal law and Valencia standards
- Diversity and Inclusive Teaching. Vanderbilt University provides an extensive explanation and rationale for diversity and inclusion in higher education.
- "UDL Guidelines - Version 2.0" Introduction" from the National Center on the Universal Design for Learning. UDL Guidelines are organized according to the three main principles of UDL.
- " The Effects of Personality Type on Engineering Student Performance and Attitudes" by Richard M. Felder, Dept.of Chemical Engineering, NCSU, G.N. Felder, Dept. of Physics, Stanford, and E.J. Dietz, Dept.of Statistics, NCSU. While this study examines chemical engineering students and found that "the MBTI is a useful tool for helping engineering instructors understand their students, the findings can be transferred to other disciplines.
- Valencia College Office for Students with Disabilities. Provides faculty resources for unlocking the door to access.
- Inclusive Teaching Strategies. Cornell University provides rationale as well as inclusive teaching strategies.
- " A Four-Stage Model of Mathematical Learning" by Jeff Kinsley, Department of Mathematics, East Tennessee State University. An application of Kolb's theory of learning to the teaching of mathematics but can be applied to other disciplines.
- "Motivation" written and compiled by Karen Kirk, from the Cutting Edge: Professional Development for Geoscience Faculty. This website provides discipline specific resources applicable to all disciplines.
- " Redefining Diversity: Creating an Inclusive Academic Library through Diversity Initiatives" by Ann T. Switzer Oakland University presents a rationale and methodology for reaching a wide range of students.
- A Multicontextual Model of Counseling: Bridging Brevity and Diversity by Brett N. Steenbarger outlines and illustrates an integrative and contextual model of counseling.
Professional Organizations & Conferences
- National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education
- National Association of Student Personnel and Administrators (NASPA)
- Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Resource Professionals
- Association of Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
Learning-centered Teaching Practice
Valencia educators will implement diverse teaching and learning strategies that promote active learning and that foster both acquisition and application of knowledge and understanding.
The faculty member will:
- employ strategies that engage students to become more active learners (e.g., reference interviews, counseling inquiry, engaging lectures, classroom discussions, case studies, scenarios, role-play, problem-based learning, inquiry-based learning, manipulatives, etc.)
- encourage students to challenge ideas and sources (e.g., debates, research critiques, reaction reports, etc.)
- use cooperative/collaborative learning strategies (e.g., peer to peer review, team projects, think/pair/share, etc.)
- incorporate concrete, real-life situations into learning activities
- invite student input on their educational experience (e.g., choice among assignment topics, classroom assessment techniques, etc.)
- employ methods that develop student understanding of discipline's thinking, practice, and procedures
- employ methods that increase the students' academic literacy within the discipline or field (e.g., reading, writing, numeracy, technology skills, information literacy, etc.)
- Active Learning from the Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Minnesota.
- " Navigating the Bumpy Road to Student Centered Instruction" by Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent, North Carolina State University. This article addresses common faculty concerns about using student centered instruction.
- Information Literacy and higher Education: Placing the Academic Library and the Center of the Comprehensive Solution by Edward K. Owusu-Ansah addresses the significance of the close academic relationship between librarian and classroom faculty especially in terms of information literacy. This article illustrates Valencia's forward-thinking philosophy of viewing professors, counselors and librarians all as equal members of the faculty.
- Seven Principles for Good Practice In Undergraduate Education by Arthur W. Chickering and Zelda F. Gamson is a classic article providing tenets for learning-centered teaching. This article clearly illustrates the overlap of the Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator.
- " Cooperative Learning in Higher Education" by Susan Ledlow of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence. A scholarly article on the basics of cooperative learning from one of the leading experts on the subject.
- Effective Strategies for Cooperative Learning. By Richard M. Felder and Rebecca Brent. This article provides tips on forming teams, dealing with dysfunctional teams, grading team assignments, and using cooperative learning in a distance learning environment.
- REACT Strategy. From Texas Collaborative for Teaching Excellence. Explains how the acronym REACT (Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring) helps structure contextual learning.
- "Teaching Critical Thinking: A Few Suggestions" by Robert H. Ennis, University of Illinois. This is a list of 13 practical suggestions from a larger work on critical thinking.
- "Instructional Strategies for Online Courses" from Illinois Online Network. Identifies ways online faculty can customize instruction for differing learning styles,
- " Active Learning and Library Instruction" by Michael Lorenzen , Michigan State University describes the importance and role of active learning in the academic library environment.
- " The 'Embedded' Librarian in a Freshman Speech Class: Information Literacy Instruction in Action" by R. A. Hall. This article, published in the College & Research Libraries News, provides an example of how librarians can contribute to information literacy and critical thinking in the context of a course.
- Effective Lecturing provides some guidelines for appropriate uses of the lecture, lecturing with PowerPoint, and making lectures more active.
Professional Organizations & Conferences
Valencia educators will design learning opportunities that promote student life skills development while enhancing discipline learning. Through intentional inclusion of growth-promoting strategies, faculty will facilitate the students' gradual assumption of responsibility for making informed decisions and formulating and executing their educational, career, and life plans.
The faculty member will:
- establish student & faculty contact that contributes to students' academic, personal, and professional growth
- employ digital tools to aid student contact (e.g., Ateaching-learning-academys, MyPortfolio, Canvas, Ask-A-Librarian, email, etc.)
- seek out struggling students and identify options through dialog and appropriate referrals
- help students assume responsibility for making informed academic decisions (e.g., degree requirements, transfer options, financial aid, etc.)
- guide students in developing academic behaviors for college success (e.g., time management, study, test and note taking strategies, etc.)
- help students identify academic behaviors that can be adapted as life skills (e.g., library search skills, decision-making, communication skills, scientific understanding, etc.)
- assist students in clarifying and developing purpose (attention to life, career, education goals)
- Developmental Advising: Practices and Attitudes of Faculty Advisors by Susan H. Frost, Emory University. This article poses the theoretical framework from which LifeMap was designed.
- A Developmental View of Academic Advising as Teaching by Burns B. Crookston, University of Connecticut.
- LifeMap from Valencia College. This site includes the LifeMap definition, a list of student benefits, an explanation of how students get started with LifeMap, and more.
- "Self-Efficacy: Helping Students Believe in Themselves" by K. Kirk. This webpage, part of a professional development website for geosciences faculty, includes research and teaching strategies for helping struggling students.
- " Encouraging Students' Intrinsic Motivation" by Kathleen McKinney, Illinois State This article, from the National Forum for Teaching and Learning provides tips for emphasizing intrinsic, rather than, extrinsic motivation.
- LifeMap: College Success Skills connects Valencia's learning-centered paradigm to student's cognitive, knowledge and skills, academic behaviors, and planning/decision making development. Concrete student success skills are outlined.
Outcomes-based Practice
The Essential Competency areas of Outcomes-based Practice and Assessment work hand in hand, but they are not the same thing. Outcomes-based Practice is the process of identifying what the learner should be able to do as a direct result of teaching/learning activities. Effective assessment helps us measure the level at which students achieve these desired outcomes. Creating appropriate outcomes is a different area for study and practice, crucial in establishing expectations for students.
Valencia educators will design and implement learning activities that intentionally lead students towards mastery in the Student Core Competencies (Think, Value, Communicate, and Act) as well as the related course and program outcomes. The key question is "What will students be able to do as a result of the instruction?"
The faculty member will:
- create a new, or revised, learning outcome for a unit, course or program that meets the criteria for learning outcomes (this performance indicator must be used in conjunction with at least one other Outcomes-based Practice indicator for demonstration in faculty portfolios)
- align unit, course, and/or program outcomes with one or more student core competencies (Think, Value, Communicate & Act)
- collect evidence of progress toward student achievement of unit, course, or program learning outcomes
- sequence learning opportunities and assessments throughout units, courses, programs, and developmental advising to build student understanding and knowledge
- help students understand their growth in the acquisition of student core competencies (Think, Value, Communicate & Act) and program learning outcomes
- use evidence of student learning to review and improve units, courses, and programs (in classroom, counseling and library settings)
- ensure that unit, course, and program learning outcomes are current and relevant for future academic work and/or vocational and employment opportunities.
- Outcomes-based Practice, An Essential Competency of a Valencia Educator presentation by Helen Clarke and Wendi Dew
- Guidelines for Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes (FLO and SLO)
- Thesaurus of Verbs Helpful in Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes
- Writing a Measurable Program Learning Outcome
- "From Teaching to Learning: A New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education" by R. B. Barr and J. Tagg. This 1995 article from Change Magazine laid the theoretical and pedagogical foundation for he learning-centered paradigm in higher education.
- Focus on Learning: The Core Mission of Higher Education by Terry O'Banion, a pioneer of the learning-centered paradigm, discusses the concept and provides a comprehensive reference list.
- Teaching vs. Learning Environments David Rogers, Professor of English, Osceola Campus presents a jargon-free explanation of Valencia's learning-centered paradigm.
- " Critical Thinking Framework for Any Discipline" by Robert Duron, Barbara Limbach and Wendy Waugh. This article, from the International Journal for Teaching and Learning, uses accounting as a model for demonstrating how to infuse critical thinking into any discipline. It also illustrates how Outcomes-based Practice connect learning outcomes, teaching strategies and assessments.
- What is Backward Design by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe offers a thorough introduction to outcomes-based paradigm and assessment planning.
- "Guidelines to Construct a Learning Design Sequence." Graphic explanation of learning opportunities and assessments to achieve learning outcomes.
- " A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning." Dee Fink. Rationale and instruction on how to design a Outcomes-based course.
- " Using Outcome-Based Education in the Planning and Teaching of New Information Technologies" by Michael Lorenzen, Michigan State University Libraries describes the rationale and mythology for designing library learning outcomes.
Professional Organizations & Conferences
Professional Commitment
Valencia educators will stay current and continually improve their mastery of discipline/academic field, their excellence in pedagogy, and their active participation in the college's learning mission.
The faculty member will:
- stay current in discipline/academic field (e.g., professional organizations, conferences, journals, reading in the discipline, field work or clinical experience, etc.)
- contribute to discipline/academic field (e.g., publications, presentations at discipline-based conference, poster sessions, writing articles, editing learning material, curriculum development, field work, sharing clinical experience, contributing to textbooks, sharing research with peers, etc.)
- participate in faculty development programs, resources or classes, whether Valencia-based or external university/college-based
- stay current with technological tools and/or platforms within discipline and at the college
- engage in ongoing discourse surrounding division, campus, and college work (e.g., meetings, ongoing committees, work teams, task forces, "Big Meetings," governing councils, etc.)
- collaborate with peers both in and out of discipline/academic field (e.g., develop educational materials to be shared; participate in peer observation of teaching, mentoring programs, or learning partners, etc.)
- engage in expanding and building institutional, programmatic and personal connections to the wider community (e.g., community involvement, service learning, civic engagement, board of [museums, hospital, etc.], partner K12 schools, student development leadership or activities, etc.)
- The Heart of a Teacher: Identity and Integrity in Teaching by Parker J Palmer the widely published educational philosopher.
- " Cultivating your Leadership Skills: Online Resources to Develop and Strengthen your Leadership Role" by R Kear. This article, published in the College & Research Libraries News, provides links to resources for the following aspects of leadership: modeling, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, challenging the process, and encouraging the heart.
- " Two Years with a Tee Ball Bat: The Librarian as Faculty Senate Chair" by L.S. Crieder. Although this article, published in the College & Research Libraries News, is written by a college librarian, the practical tips and recommendations it provides are useful for anyone in a post-secondary leadership role.
- " Developing as a Writer: Refereeing Manuscripts for Peer-Reviewed LIS Journals" by P. M. Edwards. Although this article, published in the College & Research Libraries News, is writtenfrom the perspective on LIS journals, the rationale for professional benefits of being a referee, recommendations for becoming a referee, and suggestions for reviewing manuscripts apply to anyone in post-secondary education.
- " A Librarian's Journal Club: A Forum for Sharing Ideas and Experiences" by T. Hickman and L. Allen. This article, published in the College & Research Libraries News, describes how to create a collegial group for reading and sharing professional literature.
- Mentoring Promotion/Tenure-Seeking Faculty: Principles of Good Practice Within a Counselor Education Program by L. DiAnne Borders, et. al. presents mentoring principles for mentoring junior faculty in a counseling environment but easily applies to other disciplines faculty.
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Valencia educators will continuously examine the effectiveness of their teaching, counseling, librarianship and assessment methodologies in terms of student learning. They also will keep abreast of the current scholarship in the fields of teaching and learning.
The faculty member will:
- produce professional scholarly work (action research or traditional research) related to teaching and learning, that meets the Valencia Standards of Scholarship
- build upon the work of others (consult experts, colleagues, self, students)
- be open to constructive critique (by both colleagues and students)
- make professional scholarly work public to college and broader audiences through Valencia's research repository and other means
- collect evidence of the relationship of SoTL to improved teaching and learning
- demonstrate use of current teaching and learning theory & practice
- Scholarly Teaching and the Scholarship of Teaching by Laurie Richlin discusses the ongoing assessment cycles that lead to improved teaching and more.
- "What is the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning?" from the Faculty Center at the University of Central Florida. This website provides a brief definition of SoTL, as well as links for drilling down to more specific topics and information.
- "Action Research" from Faculty Development at Valencia College provides an explanation of the nature and elements of action research, compete with templates for getting started and rubrics for evaluating projects.
- Assessing the Scholarship of Teaching: Valid Decisions from Valid Evidence by Michael Theall and John A. Centra exemplifies how so many of the faculty competencies overlap; this article could easily be part of the selected resources of Outcome-based Learning and Assessment as a Tool for Learning.
- Example of an Action Research Project by Professor Mayra Holzer, Speech West Campus.
- Brookfield's Four Lenses: Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher for the University of Sydney Center for Teaching Excellence. This provides a snapshot into Brookfield's view on reflective teaching and strategies for developing a reflective practice.
Professional Organizations & Conferences