CJI Minimum Fitness Standards

At a minimum, each law enforcement and corrections recruit must meet the fitness standards listed below. Recruits will be assessed on each exercise before admission to the academy and during the first and last two weeks of the academy. Recruits must participate in the physical training and defensive tactics mandated by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission.

Fitness Requirements

Exercise Requirement
Push-ups: Complete at least 15 push-ups in one (1) minute
Sit-ups: Complete at least 25 sit-ups in one (1) minute
Vertical Leap: Leap vertically at least 12 inches above their reach
1.5 Mile Run: Complete a 1.5 mile run in 18 minutes or less
300 Meter Run: Run 300 meters in 75 seconds or less

Physical fitness at the academy is intense. Be physically fit on the first day. Our instructors and your classmates need you to be in great physical shape on the first day you start.

Be Prepared

The instructions below will prepare you for the physical training at our institute. Start today! Fitness evolves over an extended period of time – (weeks and months) – not in one weekend.

Preparation Instructions:

Build up to running 3 miles a day, 4 times a week. (One method to achieve this goal is to jog for 2 minutes then brisk walk for 1 minute and repeat for 30-40 minutes. Work your way to jogging for 3-5 minutes and walking for 45 seconds. Keep reducing the walk time until you aren’t walking anymore.)
When the run is over, immediately drop down and do as many sit-ups as you can (until it is impossible to do another repetition). Take a 10 second break and then repeat twice more. 
When you are finished with the sit-ups, immediately drop down and do as many push-ups as you can (until it is impossible to complete another repetition). Take a 10 second break and then repeat twice more.
When you are finished with the push-ups, complete 5 squat jumps (jumping as high as you can every time). Take a 10 second break and then repeat twice more.