Resources for Students, Parents, and Teachers

Alternative Ways to Earn College Credit

Check out alternative ways to earn college credit available to students!

Postsecondary technical students at Orange Technical or Osceola Technical College can earn college credit by completing articulated technical programs.  Program completers are eligible to receive credit at Valencia College through either Orange Technical College technical articulation agreements or Osceola Technical College technical articulation agreements.

Both secondary and postsecondary students can earn credits with industry certifications. View a comprehensive list of Florida Statewide Articulation Agreements based on Industry Certifications.

Career Pathways - Orange and Osceola County Schools

To see what secondary Career and Technical Education programs are eligible for Career Pathways credit, check out Career Pathways at Orange County Public Schools or the School District of Osceola County. 

See what degrees and certificate programs are available to Career Pathways students at Valencia College.

Make the move NOW toward a future that won't let you down. Make Career Pathways work for you! Click here for more details.


Tech Express - Orange and Osceola Technical Colleges

Postsecondary technical college students can choose a career path that is eligible for earned college credit.  Students can earn college credit with completion of many career certificates and apprenticeships available in technical programs including:

Orange Technical College Career Certificate Programs

  • Architecture and Construction
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communication
  • Business, Management & Administration
  • Education and Training
  • Health Science
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurial Principles
  • Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

For details on career certificate programs.

  • Architecture & Construction
  • Arts, A/V Technology & Communication
  • Business Management & Administration
  • Health Science
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology
  • Law, Public Safety & Security
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

Click here to complete the short request form and contact the Student Success coach on the tech college campus you attend.


Career Resources

Curriculum Resources for Teachers

Resources for teachers interested in integrating academic and technical curriculum.