En español

Simply put, the College to Careers program means better access to higher education. The College to Careers program, created under the Title V Osceola Grant, allows Valencia College to make specific infrastructure and program changes that will provide members of this historically underserved community increased access to, and opportunities for, Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and certifications which lead directly to jobs.


Title V

Title V is a provision of the federal Higher Education Act that offers specific protection for, and advancement of, the educational opportunities of Hispanic students around the country.

Building a Better Community

Valencia College has made a commitment to serve the unique needs of our Osceola County community. Read the Welcome from the Osceola campus President...

Campus Locations & Contacts

Title V Osceola campus grant, contact:

Dr. Jennifer Keefe
Grant Director

Dr. James McDonald
Osceola campus Dean of Career & Technical Programs



Osceola Campus Map