New Classroom Equipment Provides Opportunities
In addition to the Blackboard Collaborate project, the Title V Osceola grant has partnered with Valencia's Office of Instructional Technology (OIT) and our East Campus to pilot a new way to help Osceola Campus students gain access to A.S. Degree programs on other campuses. Over $111,000 in grant funds was used to help purchase equipment to outfit a classroom at Osceola Campus, and one at the East Campus, with touchscreen monitors, cameras and microphones. We are calling the experience Synchronized Learning because the two classrooms are in synch, in the same class, at the same time.
The pilot class, Introduction to Paralegal Studies, was held in the Spring of 2017. Instructor Wendy Toscano was able to see, to hear, and to fully interact with the students at Osceola Campus from her classroom at East Campus. The students at Osceola Campus told Title V Grant Director Dr. Jennifer Keefe after the class ended that they felt connected to the instructor and appreciated the chance to take their class without having to drive to the East Campus.
A second pilot of Introduction to Paralegal is scheduled for this summer and there are plans to add new class offerings over the Synchronized Learning System in the fall.
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