College Closure: Spring Break
Last Updated: 03/11/2025 10:00 AM

Valencia College will be closed for Spring Break from Monday, March 17, through Sunday, March 23. For general assistance, you can call 407-582-1507. The college will open and resume all services on Monday, March 24.

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Program Types

Whether you’re planning to transfer to a university or enter directly into a career, we have degree and accelerated programs to get you there. Plus, with nearly 150 degree and certificate programs, accelerated training and continuing education available, you’ll be able to pursue your passion—whether that’s a new career path or professional advancement in your current position.

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If you have a question about admissions, financial aid, residency or other enrollment steps visit the Answer Center.



Associate in Arts student walking on campus

Associate in Arts

A.A. Degree

An associate in arts degree is a general studies degree that prepares you to transfer to a Florida public university as a junior. You’ll complete all of your general education requirements for a bachelor’s and take electives that focus on your intended major. Follow a Degree Pathway which will help you meet many of your upper-division prerequisites.

Associate in Science

Associate in Science

A.S. Degree

An associate in science degree helps you gain the skills you need to enter into a specialized career field. Classes teach you theory, but also give you hands-on training. With this type of degree, you’ll have two options: Enter directly into a high-skill, high-wage profession upon graduation, or transfer into a bachelor’s degree program.

B.A. and B.S. Degrees


B.A.S. and B.S. Degrees

A bachelor's degree offers a path to continue your education beyond the associate level. After completing your associate degree, you can move into one of our bachelor’s programs or transfer to a university. This may also include going into a Bachelor of Applied Science program, which incorporates real-world skills to help advance your career.

Certificate Programs

Certificate Programs

Certificates, Technical Certificates and Advanced Technical Certificates

A certificate program increases your skillset and prepares you for immediate entry into an in-demand career. Many of these programs also offer articulated credits—meaning you earn college credit while taking certificate classes, which can be later applied to a related A.S. degree.

Accelerated Skills Training

Accelerated Skills Training

Prepare for high-demand, higher-wage careers in a short amount of time.

Accelerated Skills Training programs focus on hands-on training designed to help you enter a new career field or advance your current skillset in a short amount of time. Earn industry-recognized credentials, train in essential workplace skills and receive job placement support. It’s your accelerated path to a high-demand, higher-wage career.

Continuing Education Programs

Continuing Education Programs

Continuing education for personal and professional advancement.

Continuing education programs are designed for personal and professional advancement. We offer a variety of classes, seminars and certification programs to help you—whether you want to update your skills, prepare for a new position or career or learn a new language.

Language Programs

Language Programs

Part-time, Intensive English (IEP) and Workplace Language Programs

Language programs can help you learn another language—for professional or personal reasons. Classes will increase your communication skills in the new language across a wide range of topics. Many programs are available on campus or online, and are offered in different levels—from low beginner to high advanced.


Get Answers

If you have a question about admissions, financial aid, residency or other enrollment steps visit the Answer Center.