FTCE Test Prep Resources

The EPI program at Valencia College provides this list without affiliation or profit. The recommendations for the following FTCE test preparation resources come from students, alumni, districts, and other higher education institutions.

Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE)

Pearson, Florida's testing contractor, provides test competencies, blueprints, and preparation for all FTCE tests.

The Test Camp

The Test Camp offers money-back guarantees with online courses and free workshops for GKT, PET, and Elementary Education tests.

Learning Liaisons

Learning Liaisons offers on-line test prep discounted for Valencia College students. Contact phone # 407-797-1499 or email at info@thelearningliaisons.com

240 Tutoring

240 Tutoring offers digital FTCE test prep curriculum with a special discounted monthly rate for Valencia College EPI students. Contact the EPI office if interested, ecostello1@valenciacollege.edu