Non-Study Abroad International Travel Registration

  •   Per  College policy 6Hx28:5-08, all Valencia College staff and faculty traveling overseas must register with the SAGE Office no later than 15 days prior to departure.
  •   You do NOT need to complete this process if you are leading a study abroad program with students.
  •   Group Travelers (i.e., NEH Grant):One person should be the communication point person with the SAGE office. Please complete the  Traveler's Information Worksheet - Group Travel for the entire group and send it to the SAGE Office.
  •   Email the SAGE Office at or call 407-582-3188 if you have any questions on filling out these forms.
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Contact us

  • Monday to Friday: 8am to 4:30pm (Virtual appointments only)
Email and Phone
Social Media

Step 1: Check for Travel Advisories


Check for Department of State Travel Advisories for the destination. If you see that your destination has travel advisories or alerts, please contact the SAGE Office. The College may not fund any trips going to a country with heightened travel advisories.

Step 2:Proposal Form

Sabbaticals and Endowed Chairs: These have their own application/proposal process. You can skip this step.


Complete any additional paperwork as applicable. Ask the SAGE Office if you are exempt from this step or which forms apply if you are unsure. Obtain the required signatures and send the completed forms to the SAGE Office.

Step 3: Passport and Visa


  • Ensure that your passport is up to date. Some countries require your passport to be valid at least 6 months after your return to the United States. Submit Proof of Passport and make sure you are submitting a clear copy of your passport.
  • The SPOT at UCF has been designated a Passport Acceptance Facility by the U.S. Department of State. For more information, please visit The SPOT.
  • Apply for a visa if applicable. Travel Visa Requirements can be found at Visa HQ.

Step 4: Reservations for Airlines and Accommodations


In order to obtain medical/trip insurance and to register your trip with the SAGE Office and Department of State, you are required to have your reservations for airlines and accommodations in advance.  When you make travel arrangements, please check with your department and Accounts Payable on which paperwork is required and how to charge your travel fees.

Step 5: Authorization for International Travel Form


 Download Form

Travelers must complete their own form. Contact your department for assistance. For detailed instructions on how to complete this form, please find the Authorization for International Travel in Valencia Forms in Atlas.

Per the requirements of Accounts Payable, you MUST provide supporting documentation for ALL costs related to the international travel for which Valencia is paying.  Please forward your signed paperwork to the SAGE Office at 4-47 or email We will stamp it received and forward it to Accounts Payable.  Accounts Payable will not process your form without the SAGE stamp on it.

Step 6: Register Your Travel Plans with SAGE


Submit Form

Please complete the travel registration at least 15 days prior to your trip. You will need your destination itinerary, passport, airline, and accommodation information in order to complete your registration.  SAGE must receive specific accommodation locations in order to register you with the Department of State's STEP Program. Failure to provide this information will mean that you will not be registered, and we will not receive important embassy updates in the event that something occurs in your destination.

Insurance Notice: As part of the registration process, you will be asked about medical/trip insurance.  The SAGE Office can assist with purchasing insurance through our provider Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI).  During the registration process, make sure you provide the SAGE Office with the budget number that the insurance will be paid out of. If you are paying with personal funds, you can pay at the campus Business Office. Contact the SAGE Office for details on how to complete this process.

NEH Grant Participants: The coordinator will need to complete the Travelers Information Worksheet (TIW) and send to the SAGE Office in lieu of completing the individual online form.

Step 7: Department of State Registration


Upon receipt of your registration, the SAGE Office will email you a copy of Valencia College's Emergency-Crisis Management Plan for International Travel.  In addition, SAGE will register you with the Department of State's STEP (Smart Travelers Enrollment Program) and if applicable will inform Valencia College's Emergency Response Team (ERT) of your upcoming travel.