State Assessment Meeting
Programs & Electronic Presentations
Thursday, June 20 & 21, 2013
Dr. Laura Blasi
Valencia College
"State Assessment Meeting Opening Session:
The Purpose of Assessment is to Improve Learning"
Kurt Ewen
Valencia College
"Showing the Elephant the Door: Using Results"
Ms. Barbara June Rodriguez and Dr. John Frederick
Miami Dade College
"Intensive Workshop on Developing and Assessing Program Learning Outcomes"
Aligned with ACRL Frameworks
Ms. Wendi Dew and Dr. Laura Blasi
Valencia College
"How Business Intelligence Transformed the Culture at St. Petersburg College"
Dr. Jesse Coraggio and Dr. Dan Gardiner
St. Petersburg College
"Division Action Plans: Putting Student Learning First"
Dr. Deborah Larew
Valencia College
"A Model for Assessing General Education Utilizing an Online Learning Assessment"
Ms. Maggie Tymms and Ms. Ashely Caron
St. Petersburg College
"The Phoenix Project: Helping Academically Distressed Students Succeed"
Dr. Julie Corderman
Valencia College
"Discussion: Changing Institutional Culture to Promote Assessment of HIgher Learning
(NILOA Reading)"
Recommended Reading
Kurt Ewen
Valencia College
"Strategies to Improve the Use of Data in Decision Making"
Kurt Ewen
Valencia College
"Student Engagement Through Self-Assessment: Research-based Strategies- A Panel Discussion"
Dr. Laura Blasi, Ms. Donna Colwell, Ms. Kathleen Marquis, Mr. Russell Takashima
Valencia College
"Work in Progress: Learning Outcomes Assessment Within the Library"
Ms. Diane Dalrylmple, Ms. Regina Seguin, and Ms. Beth King
Valencia College
"Work in Progress: Learning Outcomes Assessment Within Speech"
Ms. Tina Tan and Ms. Liza Schellpfeffer
Valencia College
"Keeping the Assessment Fires Burning: The QEP Beyond the Five-Year Impact Report"
Dr. Alex Perez and Ms. Alissa Sustarsic
Lake-Sumter State College
"Work in Progress: Learning Outcomes Assessment Within Humanities"
Ms. Karen Styles
Valencia College
"Mapping Program Learning Outcomes to Curriculum"
Mr. Andy Ray
Valencia College
"Supporting Faculty Assessment of Student Learning Online: Using Quality Matters to Sterngthen Online Teaching and Learning"
Ms. Erin O'Brien and Mr. Charles Fox
Valencia College
"Valencia College Student Affairs Major Decision Survey"
Ms. Danielle Boileau
Valencia College
"Using Action Research to Advance Planning and Learning"
Dr. Lisa Armour and Ms. Wendi Dew
Santa Fe State College and Valencia College
"Psychology's General Education Outcome: Improving Throught Assessment"
Dr. Barbara Van Horn
Indian River State College
"Tracking Pathways to Success"
Mr. Peter Usinger
Polk State College
"Opportunites and innovations: Assessing Developmental Education Going Forward- Exploring
an Example from a MOOC"
"Opportunites and innovations: Assessing Developmental Education Going Forward- Exploring
an Example from a MOOC- St. Petersburg College "
Dr. Karen Borglum, Dr. Davis Jenkins, Dr. Carol Weideman
Valencia College, Columbia University, St. Petesburg College
"Work in Progress: Learning Outcomes Assessment within English and English for Academic Purposes"
Dr. Christina Hardin and Ms. Marcelle Cohen
Valencia College