Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Last Updated: 01/13/2025 10:00 AM

In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Valencia College will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. The college will reopen and all services will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025.

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Online Remote Proctoring

Student FAQ

Canvas-based exams and quizzes may require online proctoring using the online exam proctoring service, Honorlock, We have developed a How to Prepare for Online Remote Proctoring guide to as an overview of the materials you'll need to complete a proctored exam and resources to help you get started.

The following are frequently asked questions from students specific to online proctoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

Course requirements

Is online proctoring required for all online exams?

No. Online proctoring is an option that your instructor may or may not require for quizzes or exams. If the instructor has enabled online proctoring for an exam or quiz, then it is required of all students in that class. 

How do I know if my online exam will require proctoring?

If you have an online exam that requires proctoring via Honorlock, a notification will be provided within your course syllabus.

Materials Needed

If my online exam requires proctoring, what will I need?

Students will need:

  • A laptop or desktop computer with microphone (not a tablet or phone) 

  • A webcam

  • Reliable Internet connection 

  • Photo identification in the form of a Valencia-issued student ID card or government-issued ID card (i.e. driver’s license, passport)

  • Google Chrome downloaded (required browser)

  • Honorlock Chrome Extension downloaded

We recommend that you disable functions and plugins that might cause you to accidentally violate exam rules (such as spell- or grammar-checkers, automatic translators, etc.). See instructions for disabling Chrome's automatic translation function.

Mac OS users: If you have recently upgraded to a newer version of the operating system, you may need to enable screen sharing of your desktop and other applications on your computer for any application like Honorlock that uses screen sharing. See this support article with instructions for doing so.

Why do I need a photo ID? What forms of ID are acceptable?

We verify the photo and name on your ID to ensure you are who you say you are. You can use any government issued ID (e.g., state-issued driver license, state-issued identification card, or passport) or Valencia-issued student ID that has your photo.

Technical Assistance

What if I have a technical problem?

Honorlock support is available to assist students before, during and after their proctored tests. If you encounter any issues during an exam, you may contact support by live chat within the Honorlock window in Canvas, by phone at 855 828 4004 and/or by email at For answers to common questions on online proctoring, you can also visit Honorlock’s student information website.

Why am I being prompted for an access code?

If you are being prompted for an access code, you are most likely not using Google Chrome or you do not have the Honorlock Chrome Extension. If you are using Google Chrome and the Honorlock extension, please contact Honorlock support at 855 828 4004 or

What do I need to do before taking my exam?

Ensure your computer is charged and has a good internet connection. Use Google Chrome when you log in to take your test. You can run a one-click system check if you’re unsure about your operating system, version of Chrome, or Internet speed. 

Preparing to take an exam

How do I take my exam using Honorlock?

If your faculty requires online proctoring, you’ll simply need to access your test or quiz in Canvas and follow the steps shared in this video. You can also view this Getting Starting guide for step-by-step instructions. Basically, you’ll access your test or quiz in Canvas, ensure you have the Honorlock Chrome Extension downloaded, confirm your identity, show your workspace, and record yourself while you complete your assessment. It’s that easy.

Academic Honesty

Is someone watching me the whole time?

Yes and no. Your webcam is recording you during your test, but no one is watching your exam in real time. Honorlock uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to monitor your session, and, if it senses that something is wrong, it will trigger an incident flag in the session recording.  After your test, your instructor may review the exam session to look for any potential incidents.

Will I automatically be penalized if someone enters the room I’m in or I’m unable to take my exam in a completely distraction-free environment? 

No; we understand that life happens. We encourage you to acknowledge when something unexpected happens (like a family member walks into the room you’re in) so that your faculty will be aware when they review the video of your exam. You will not be automatically penalized for any incident flags created.

Who ultimately determines if cheating has occurred? 

As with a traditional class exam, this is determined by the instructor according to the policies in the course syllabus.  


Is Honorlock accessible?

Yes; Honorlock is fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you have questions or concerns about how a disability may impact the use of Honorlock, please contact the Office for Students with Disabilities.

Privacy and data

 How is my privacy protected?

Valencia has a contract with Honorlock that requires Honorlock to be Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) compliant and to use securely encrypted protocols to save and view all test taker assets. Honorlock may only collect, process and store student data for contracted services and this information cannot be sold or transferred for any purpose. Honorlock's certified proctors and Valencia’s faculty are able to review test session videos until deleted based on the school's retention policy. See the Honorlock Security and Privacy FAQ for more information.

How Is Valencia making sure that Honorlock protects my information? 

Valencia’s contract with Honorlock requires that this vendor protect all student records in compliance with multiple federal and state laws, and gives Valencia the right to take legal action if those obligations are not upheld. This means that Honorlock is prohibited from using student information for any reason other than monitoring testing. Honorlock is expressly prohibited from selling or providing student information to anyone for any reason unless students consent beforehand in writing. 

Is it true that Honorlock scans home networks and monitors data from any device connected to that network?

No. Honorlock does not scan home networks or monitor data from any device on the network other than the one used for testing. Secondary devices, such as phones, can be detected, but this is not accomplished by network snooping. See the questions below for more detailed information on how Honorlock tracks and monitors data and devices.

What data is tracked/recorded from the web browser extension and how is it handled?

The Chrome Web browser extension allows Honorlock to interact with the student and the exam content during the exam. This includes launching the webcam window and interacting with student behavior within the exam. During the exam, the following data is captured, analyzed, and stored:

  • Webcam video, including audio;
  • Recording of desktop activity;
  • Student information presented by the learning management system (Canvas), such as student name, course number, exam name, etc.;
  • Pages visited during the examination session;
  • Specific student behavior that may indicate academic dishonesty, such as copy/paste into search engines.

Webcam and audio analysis has certain AI capabilities built in, such as detecting the presence of zero, one, or more faces in the camera, one or more voices, etc. This AI will generate a “flag,” prompting the instructor to review the exam session to determine if additional action is necessary to remediate any academic integrity issues.

How does Honorlock have the capability to monitor the use of my smartphone during an exam?

Students using their smartphones to search online resources for exam questions should note that Honorlock utilizes a manual technology to detect academic integrity issues.  Specifically, Honorlock hosts websites with seeded exam questions that, when accessed during an exam, sets off an action on the phone. This action is picked up during the student’s session and alerts instructors to review for academic integrity issues. Honorlock does not initiate any technologies to eavesdrop on the students smartphone activity either during or after the exam.  It is important for students to understand they are not authorized to use their phones during an Honorlock proctored exam.

Honorlock’s policies say it may share aggregated data. What does that mean?  

When Honorlock says it may share aggregated data, this means non-identifiable information that can never be traced back to any one student. For example, the average time it takes a student to finish a test in a biology course.  No personal information, such as names, ID info, videos, or other media featuring a student, can be shared outside of Honorlock or Valencia.

Where Is my information being stored?

All personally identifiable information obtained by Honorlock is stored on Honorlock’s server (which is inside the United States), and is accessible through Canvas.  Just like other student records, this information can only be accessed by faculty and administrators who need access to fulfill their job duties.  No one at Valencia or Honorlock can view the records simply because of personal interest.  Students may request access to their own records at any time.