Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Last Updated: 01/13/2025 10:00 AM

In observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Valencia College will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, 2025. The college will reopen and all services will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025.

More Info

Digital Professor Certification

This series is designed to culminate in the certification of faculty as "Digital Professors." This designation will indicate completion of 20 hours of professional development in the areas of pedagogy and technology in online/mixed-mode teaching and learning.

Note: Canvas Essentials (LTAD1118) is recommended but not required prior to enrolling in Digital Professor courses.

To successfully complete the Digital Professor Certification, the faculty member must complete the following certification requirements.

  • LCTS3129: Digital Professor Cohort = 20 professional development hours of pedagogy and technology courses
  • 16 hours of required pedagogy courses, at least 2 hours of pedagogy electives, and at least 2 hours of technology electives
We would like to congratulate our
 Distinguished Digital Professors!

Certification Planning Document

Monthly reports are pulled and Digital Professor Certifications will be automatically awarded. The planning document provides a list of required and optional courses which can be used to plan your certification or program. It is available as a printer-friendly fillable PDF. Digital Professor Certification Planning Document

Required Pedagogy Courses (16 hours)


*ASMT3326: Introduction to the Rubric for Online Competencies - 4 PD Hours
This course will explore the Rubric for Online Competencies (ROC) which contains quality online design and delivery criteria aligned with the Essential Competencies of a Valencia Educator, and will prepare the participant to be part of the Course Peer Review Process. Participants will learn to consistently apply the rubric which supports faculty as they develop, redesign, and deliver quality online courses to improve the student learning experience.

ASMT3353: Authentic Learning and Online Assessment - 2 PD Hours
Concepts and best practice strategies from current literature about learning-centered online testing and grading are presented. Participants will share strategies and suggestions to design and improve online authentic assessments.

*INDV3158 Universal Design and Accessibility - 4 PD Hours
All students need to be able to navigate your online course and access all of your content. In this course, you will learn how to apply universal design principles to ensure that your online course and content provide equitable learning experiences for all students.

INDV3248: Building Online Learning Communities - 2 PD Hours
This course will engage participants in the concepts, effective strategies and best practices in creating and maintaining an online learning community.

LCTS3242: Developing Interactive Web-based Courses - 2 PD Hours
This orientation to online pedagogy includes an analysis of the best practices of online education from the perspectives of students, faculty and institutions as it relates to adult learning theory, (continued) development of online learning communities, technology usage, expectations, assessment, evaluation, communication and diversity. The participant will establish an understanding of best practices and establish practical applications for use in their online classrooms.


PRF3244: Legal Issues and the Virtual Student - 2 PD Hours
Identify the implications of TEACH, Digital Millennium Act, and copyright on digital rights management for virtual faculty and students. Understand the implications of Federal Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) when communicating in the virtual environment. This course will also explore plagiarism and academic integrity in the online classroom.


* Please note that two previous courses can be used as substitutes for some of these requirements. Faculty can substitute "ASMT3232 Quality Matters: Peer Reviewer Training" for ASMT3326. They can also substitute "INDV3246 Universal Design for Online Learning" for INDV3158.

Pedagogy Electives (a minimum of 2 hours)

LCTS3211: Strategies for Academic Integrity - 2 PD Hours
This course will explore plagiarism and academic integrity. Participants will develop a comprehensive plan to avoid and detect plagiarism and encourage students to engage in behaviors supportive of academic integrity.
LCTS3221: Designing and Delivering Your Mixed Mode Course - 10 PD Hours
Mixed-mode courses require an intentional design to integrate and deliver online and face-to-face course components. Participants in this course will explore effective instructional practice, course structure, assessment plan, and physically distanced engagement strategies in order to deliver a quality mixed-mode course.
LFMP3115: Designing an Effective Online Student Orientation - 2 PD Hours

Getting students off on the right foot in an online class can mean the difference between success and failure. This workshop will engage participants in addressing the orientation needs of the virtual student. Participants will explore the essential elements and develop a plan for an effective online orientation. In addition, participants will review the resources in place at Valencia to help faculty provide a comprehensive student orientation.

Technology Electives (a minimum of 2 hours)

LTAD3124: Introduction to Honorlock - 2 PD Hours
Participants will be introduced to Valencia's new online proctoring solution, Honorlock. Familiarize yourself with Honorlock's features and variable settings, interpretation of exam results, and have the opportunity to experience Honorlock from a student perspective.

LTAD3240: Multimedia Tools for All Courses - 2 PD Hours
This course will assist participants in identifying and incorporating multimedia and instructional tools to accommodate students' diverse learning styles.

LTAD3387 Open Educational Resources - 3 PD Hours

This course will assist instructors in locating, identifying, and using open educational resources. These resources are often free, and can supplement or be used in place of standard textbooks and other educational materials.


For More Information

Geni Wright
Director for Online Teaching and Learning
(407) 582-3005