Valencia's Standards of Scholarship
State the basic purpose of his or her work clearly?
Define objectives that are realistic and assessable?
Show an understanding of relevant scholarship?
Bring together the necessary resources (time, financial support, specialized training)?
Use methods appropriate to the goals?
Modify procedures in response to changing circumstances?
Achieve the goals (a failed experiment is a success if learning goals are achieved)?
Open additional questions for further exploration?
Does the author of the project/initiative
Critically evaluate his or her work?
Use evaluation to improve the quality of future work?
Use a suitable style and effective organization to present his or her work?
Use appropriate forums for communicating work to its intended audiences?
Adapted From: Glassick, C. E., Huber, M.H., Maeroff, F.W. (1997). Scholarship assessed evaluation of the professoriate. An Ernest L. Boyer Project of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.