West Campus Tutoring Center
Thanks for stopping by! The West Campus Tutoring Center (WCTC) offers free academic assistance for current Valencia College and UCF West students, plus a variety of services and materials for student success.
Free tutoring is available on a drop-in basis in the WCTC, here's a few of the most popular courses we support:
- Accounting
- Economics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Anatomy & Physiology
- College Algebra
- Mathematical Thinking
- Mathematics in Context
- Statistics
- Calculus
- Spanish
- And more!
Location & Hours
- Bldg 7, Rm 240
- 407-582-1633
- Spring Hours
Monday to Thursday: 8am to 7pm
Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed - LearningSupportWest@valenciacollege.edu
Tutoring Satisfaction Survey
The Tutoring Center is open for tutoring services for the spring semester. Check out the Tutoring Schedule to see when specific tutors are available.
Sometimes life happens and a tutor cannot make it in. Please call our front desk for day of details: 407-582-1633.
The WCTC Tutors are knowledgeable in the courses they support and have been trained in effective tutoring techniques to help with course content and study strategies. They are also certified to assist with course wrappers.
Materials Check-out
The WCTC also has materials to support student learning. With a valid Valencia College ID card, students can check out the following items, free of charge:
- TI-84 Graphing Calculator (7 days or 4 hours)
- Scientific Calculator (3 days)
- Four Function Calculator (3 days)
- Select Math Textbooks (2 hours)
- Study Rooms (2 hours)
- Headphones (by end of day)
- Laptops (by end of day)
Note: Please return the item on time to the same location it was checked out from to avoid late fees on your account. Students may be at risk of being locked out of their account if they accrue too many late fees.
Course Wrappers
Students seeking assistance completing a course wrapper may meet with a wrapper certified coach in the tutoring center anytime during the semester when the center is open. Students may also use Valencia's Online Tutoring Services to complete their course wrapper.
Online Tutoring
All students have access to our Online Tutoring platform. Students will receive real-time assistance via a Valencia College tutor on Zoom. Tutoring is offered in many of the same subjects we support face-to-face: mathematics, sciences, accounting & economics, computer programming, EAP and foreign languages, and writing.
Online Learning Technology Support services are also available. Tech Support Tutors can help with:
- Canvas
- OneDrive
- Zoom
- YouTube
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, & PowerPoint)
- Video Editing (via iMovie and MovieMaker)
- Document Conversion (from a Mac to a PC)
Tech support is available live (on-demand) via Zoom, by appointment, or via email. Please use the 24/7 Canvas Help located inside Canvas by clicking on the “Help” icon.
Visit valenciacollege.edu/tutoring to view the schedule of tutors/tech support assistants, find available times, learn more about the services in online tutoring, and access a collection of supplemental resources that are available 24/7.
Don't Cancel That Class
Do you have something pressing to attend right in the middle of the semester and can't find a sub? Don't Cancel That Class! Whether you are presenting at a conference, chairing your organization's regional meeting, or attending to a personal matter, we know how important it is for you and your students to continue engaging with their coursework. All the presentations are facilitated by one of our department partners and engage your students with relevant topics. Click to view the available presentations.