Assistive Technology Services

In order to access course materials, some students may need to utilize assistive technology. Students seeking this accommodation must first provide documentation of a print related disability and be registered with the Office for Students with Disabilities.

Assessment of the student's eligibility, needs and recommendations for appropriate assistive technologies will include:

  • A review of the student's documentation of disability by a qualified staff member in the Office for Students with Disabilities
  • An interactive conversation between the student and the Office for Students with Disabilities.

Training in the use of assistive technology is available by appointment. To schedule a training session please contact the Assistive Technology Services team.

Technology Available for Loan

Valencia offers the following assistive equipment collegewide for loan to eligible students on a first-come-first-served basis. If you are interested in a demonstration or would like one of the following for loan please contact the Assistive Technology Services team.

  • ONYX Desktop Magnification Camera by Freedom Scientific
    • A camera system designed for viewing materials at a distance as well as magnifying documents such as reading materials and classroom assignments.
  • Optelec Compact 4 HD by Optelec
    • The first high-definition video magnifier that uniquely combines all the benefits of a hand-held and dome magnifier in a single design for a comfortable reading experience.
  • Ruby XL HD by Freedom Scientific
    • A digital magnifier that pairs crystal clear, high-definition resolution with a lightweight portable design.
  • Laptops
    • Used for remote speech-to-text services, such as C-Print or CART, in the classroom and for special events.

Technology Available for Everyone

The college offers the following assistive technology collegewide for use. If you are interested in a demonstration of any of our assistive technology please contact the Assistive Technology Services team.

  • Sorenson ntouch VideoPhone by Sorenson
    • Deaf individuals can make and receive Sorenson Video Relay Service (SVRS) calls, as well as make direct calls to other videophone users. Locations vary, please contact the OSD for further information.
  • SARA Scanning and Reading Appliance by Freedom Scientific
    • A stand-alone scanner which enables the reading of a wide variety of printed materials such as textbooks, handouts, and so much more.
  • CCTV
    • A stationary magnification system designed to enlarge documents such as textbooks and handouts. Locations and models vary. Please contact the OSD for further information.
  • Computers with Assistive Technology
    • Valencia strives to provide all students with access and has equipped each lab with assistive technology to serve our diverse student population.

Assistive Software

The college offers the following assistive software collegewide. Some of the licenses are available on most open access computers, and some of the licenses are more limited.

  • JAWS Screen Reader Software by Freedom Scientific
    • JAWS is designed to read aloud what is on the computer screen and to provide users with a unique set of navigational tools to allow access to all screen and web content.
  • MAGic Screen Magnification Software by Freedom Scientific
    • A screen magnification system with built-in enhancements to provide the user with access to all screen and web content
  • Claro Read Software by Claro Software
    • A multi-sensory software solution designed to support reading, writing and studying skills. This software is available to all Valencia Students at no cost. This software is also available for both the PC and the MAC. To have this software installed onto your computer please schedule an appointment with the Office for Students with Disabilities.